Tick Tock

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Summary: From the beginning to the end, he had been able to hear the deafening heartbeat of the clock that would decide the outcome of what was to come, it's echo ringing in his ears and chest as he came to realize that there was no definite end to this maze of death as long as there was no winner of the game someone had abandoned.

Notes: Hello there readers, I would like to thank you for reading and to enjoy this story. This story is based loosly on the events of Book of Shadows and one of the different Corpse Party Endings, it is basically reflecting on said events in the aftermath.

As a warning, there is minor descriptions of death and if you would like for me to add such warnings in the tags, feel free to tell me.

Thank you.


Satoshi can hear it, the invisible clock's heartbeat ticking away the time he has left before his and his friend's inevitable demise at the hands of an insane little girl, her ghostly companions, and her victims that haunted the school of death, eager to drag him into hell with them.

The clock's thunderous heartbeat, echoing within his own chest and ears as he tries to steady his breathing, losing himself to the darkness when he hides behind the corner in the hallway.


Some days, on the morning of the cultural festival Satoshi looked into the mirror when he was getting dressed and saw a healthy young man of average height, with a kind smile that never quite reached his eyes. It was on such a day that he became all too aware that he no longer felt anything for himself, not happiness, not hatred, just ever lasting, never ending, nothingness.

At the beginning of the end, before he had become aware of the clock and it's ticking that had been eerily like a whispery echo of his own voice, he had hopes of finishing school and dreams of finding a place in life, a career of his own where he felt at peace and could support himself, and eventually a family perhaps. He had wanted happiness for himself and his friends, and hoped that last nights nightmare had only been that- a nightmare.


His dreams had been shattered into millions of broken crystal-like fragments that had already been oh so delicate and dear. When he had finally become aware of how the clock worked as the blades of a pair of scissors split apart the machine sewn stitches of his shirt before sliding painfully into his stomach, breaking pale smooth skin and piercing fragile red intestines as his friends and sister watched in horror.  The maniac laughter of the ghostly little girl that had been the culprit of it all, breaking the deafening silence that had finally arrived as the clock stopped and rewound- signaling the end of his life and the beginning of his day.

The clock counted down to his death, and rewound itself when he woke up, tangled up in the soft fabric of his sheets. Only to begin counting down once more in a never ending cycle.


One night, after a particularly painful death at the hands of Sachiko's giant lackey of a man, he had found himself sitting in the company of a young girl who couldn't be much younger or older than his sister. In one petite hand she held a golden pocket watch that was quite obviously worn, patches of rust and blood on the metal. In her other hand she held a cup of tea that was tilted at a dangerous angle, the brown clear liquid inside nearly spilling out.

He would've asked where he was if he could, but he found that the only sound that could escape his mouth was a choked gasp, as if something or rather someone- he suspected, was preventing him from speaking. The girl then closed the watch and simply let go of the cup, letting it fall to the floor and break in shards that littered the floor.

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