Chapter 07 - The Kanto Region

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Chapter Title: The Kanto Region

It had been years since I had left Johto and travelled the regions. I had gone to Orre then on meeting my new friend, N, we had travelled to Unova. I wondered what the green haired trainer was doing now. While in Unova, we had defeated a newly returned Team Plasma, who N had once been apart off but left after trying to make up for his mistakes, it also turned out that he had fell in love then too, yes N had fell in love with me but I could not return his love so he went back to other girl, hope they are happy, I thought. Now the only reason I had been unable to return his love was because I had fallen in love with the one lad I tricked before leaving Johto. I was an ex-team rocket member, who had been hired by my boss, or so I thought, to bring his son to him. It turned out I had been used and he had gotten hurt.

"Umber, come on pay attention" said a voice, pulling me back to reality, causing me to look at the source of the voice and smile.

"Easy, Silver no rush" I said

"The Dexholders are waiting for us" said the impatient red head

I had return to Johto with Silver but was currently in Kanto. We were heading towards Pallet Town to see the Dexholders, which was the group Silver was apart of. I looked at him, Silver had the brightest of red hair, which made him stand out, he was wearing his favourite black jacket with red lining and black jeans. He also wore black and red trainers and he currently wore red glasses over his beautiful silver eyes, thanks to me but that was not always the case as Silver did have contacts.

"Umber stop staring at me" said Silver, I blushed and shook my head then smiled at him.

"Sorry, Silver"

"Are you going to pay attention now and get going" he said

After sighing, I removed my hat, wiped my forehead and replaced my hat before turning back to the red head, who was now tapping his foot on the ground.

"Fine, Come on" I said

Silver and I was walking along what I knew as Route One, which was near Pallet Town after about a five minutes walk, we entered the small town. Silver headed straight for the Pokémon Lab where we both knew the Dexholders would be, I was about a few minutes behind him.

"Umber, come on" said the impatient red head again

"Hold on, Silver, I am coming" I said

What could be so important that we had to rush, I thought before walking towards the door and the impatient red head, we both entered the Pokémon Lab and the Dexholders were stood waiting for us inside.

"Umber, Silver" said a voice suddenly

"Hi, Gold" said Silver talking to the golden eyed breeder

Gold looked at me and smiled before he said, "Welcome back, Umber"

I blushed and turned to look at Silver and he was just smiling so I turned back to Gold and replied, "Thanks, Gold"

As we walked closer, the room went quiet as one of the Dexholders walked towards us

"Umber, Silver, Gold" said Red

Red was the unofficial leader of the Dexholders, he turned to me and suddenly smiled, it creeped me out a bit but I knew I was being paranoid.

"So why did you call a Dexholders meeting for" asked Silver

So that had been the reason for his impatience but as reality sunk it, it made me wonder so I asked, "And why did you invite me since I am not a Dexholder"

Red turned to the Dexholder, I knew as Green and nodded, what is going on, I thought, as Green got up from the couch he had been sat on, he walked towards another Dexholder called Blue, who was stood at the door to another room and whispered something in her ear, she nodded. I frowned when Blue suddenly left the room though the door she had been stood near and then came back holding a small packet, which she passed Green, who walked towards Red who then passed me the packet.

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