She tries to cook

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"Lo...just give me the spoon or it's going to burn.." you said sternly to your girlfriend.

Lauren had been begging you to let her cook you dinner for the last two weeks. She was so determined to cook you something nice, even after she almost burned the kitchen down last time.

She sighed, finally handing you the spoon and leaving you in control of the dinner. You began to finish off the meal, saving it from the disaster Lauren almost created.

"All done." You said proud of your efforts to make the food better. Lauren sat at the table with her head in her hands, looking devastated.

You put the food on two different plates an set it on the table. "Babe...the food." You said slightly confused at her actions.

She looked up, her eyes clearly red from tearing up.
"I literally just wanted to do something for you...and I screwed that up...again." Lauren said sitting up and looking away.

You shook your head and made your way towards her, lifting her chin up with your finger. Lauren being stubborn, only shifted her eyes the other way.
You giggled at her child-like attitude.

"Lo....if this is about the cooking and-"

She cut you off before you could make your point.

"It's not just that y/ cook all the time only because I'm shitty at it. I just wanted to make you happy for once..." she trailed off, her voice cracking.

You wiped the tear that fell from her eyes, bringing her head to your chest.

"It's stupid of me to be upset over this." She said once more.

"No baby...its not. Lo if you want you know I can always teach you right? It doesn't have to be some fancy meal..." you said trying to calm her down.

She instantly nodded looking up at you with a small smile. "Yes please teach me." She said eagerly, causing you to giggle again.

"Okay lets eat please." You said smiling widely.

I feel like my endings are always bad but ehh. Thank you so very much for reading! I've been trying to update more so hopefully I'll have a consistent upload schedule :)) -Angela

Lauren Jauregui ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now