Chapter 4 Who's That Girl

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Who’s That Girl

Jace Lewis

I stand there as this girl and her brother walk straight passed me not even hazed by either me or Liam. I'm stunned, I'm just frozen for a few seconds. I turn my head to watch her go but she's already turned the corner.

"who were they?" I ask Liam trying to be calm. I turn to face him so we can talk.

"i don't know they said their names were Tamina and Kyle" he reply. I can hear that he is still angry. "But who the Hell do they think they are. They shouldn't of done that to me." The angry coming more and more in his voice.

"dont do something stupid. We don't know anything yet. I'll find out." I Reply as I turn to walk away. He does the same in the opposite direction.  Liam isn’t a bad guy weve been friends for a long time but being opposite packs we more stick with our own packs. Me and him often spar and do sport together cause were both good at it and about evenly matched. Me being stronger than him, though I let him think that were even.

What's wrong kal I ask my wolf. he's stirring.

Im not sure it's just something about that girl and her wolf made me feel I don't know edgy.

Is that a bad or good thing? I ask

I don't know

Well that's great I have no answers no one knows anything and I'm lost. I could ask dad that's what Tamina said that he knows. But I'm in school he doesn't like it when I mind link him. I'm pretty sure he's angry at me too since I was meant to drop by before coming to school for a important reason. I was busy with was it Haley? Or summer? Well a girl. I had spent 4 weeks of holidays with only males at that stupid alpha wolf camp thing. No girls at all for 4 weeks that is to long for me without a girl.

And that girl Tamina was she something. I didn't fully notice her looks until I calmed down from the confrontation. But she had red hair, deep red, down to her hips. It was wavy and shiny. It was beautiful. And her eyes emerald green, bright in the middle and surrounded by a dark deeper emerald green. And her face was even nothing out of place or too far to the left. And her body god she had small curves but they looked great on her and she was skinny good size. And that shirt showed her belly button ring. I could have jumped her right then and there. God was she hot.

Stop thinking like that. We don't know who she is so right now she's the enemy. My brain tells me.

And I'm right I'm always right back to business. I think just as I sit down in my seat at the back of my English class.

I don't really listen much in this class. I get good grades anyway so what's the point. I just look around thinking normally or sleep. It's not like the teachers are gonna stop me I'm soon to be alpha they got nothing on me.

As I'm looking around I notice a new person in the room two rows in front and one to the right. It looks like the new guy Kyle the one from earlier. Maybe I could go talk to him ask him about it. Who says he will? Ive got to find out about them. If they won't tell me I'll have to ask dad.

Dad? Who is Tamina and Kyle? I ask through the pack link.

They are the important reason you were meant to come over. He reply’s back. Oh that makes Alittle sense. I'm not getting out of that easily.

Ok sorry I was busy. But who are they. There's already been a confrontation today and id like to know who they are. I ask hastily I really need to know.

They are refugees from another pack across the country. They are staying with us. So don't let them get hurt by any packs. He reply’s I think he's mad.

I keep thinking of ways to do this over and over during class.

I decided knowing male wolves would not be too good to confront face on that talking to Kyle might not work. So I thought about Tamina. It be nice to see her again. I could find her at recess. She won't be hard to miss with her red hair.

Siren goes off

Next class only an hour till I see her again.

I walk out of the class thinking of what I would say to her when I do see her. As I'm walking down the hall I see red hair not far in front of me. I might not have to wait till recess then. I try to call her name and get her attention but she doesn't seem to be listening. I start running to catch up with her, she seems lost I could help her get to class. Maybe talk get to know her.

Wait what know her. I don't get to know people and not her.

I realize I've somehow found my way in front of her so I stay where I am waiting for her to notice I'm waiting for her. I'll get the information I want from her. No girl can not give me what I want.


sorry for the late update, I wasn't sure if I should add taminas p.o.v at the end of what happens from tht point but I thought I should update so here it is. I hope you like it. I really would love feedback of any kind please comment or vote.

thanks for reading

Just edited and added a thing or two

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