chapter 1 We've been caught

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We’ve Been Caught


Tamina Moon

Its been 8 months since the attack on our pack. Well old pack, there’s nothing really left were all scattered over Australia. Yes I live in Australia. Well we’ve just been moving from one state to the other you see we started in the small Queensland town Bollon. It’s quite small population of 500 and if you can believe it or not were nearly all werewolves. But now its almost abandoned.

We traveled north to begin with in the car but after about 1114 kms we ditched the car. Started changing car every so often.  We just kept moving we couldn’t stay to long in one place. Cant be caught by other packs. But sooner or later we would be caught. So here we are getting caught.

We were on a country road in Western Australia I believe it is. We’ve  just crossed territories.  As soon as dad noticed them we ditched the car we were using and changed into our wolves, we had to run we couldn’t be caught. So we ran all together in the opposite direction to the first wolves we smelt. We were really fast, our family had a lot of power. As we ran through the dense forest dodging trees and shrubs we heard the first howl. They had found our scent. Damn and we were normally so good at hiding it they must have enhanced smell or something.  We kept running, we had to get off the land. I could hear 3 more ear piercing howls. They were surrounding us. Just then large brown wolves come out of the trees in front of us. We stop and try to find a way out. Nothing.  More and more start coming into view I count about 15 so probably more where I cant see.

I look to Kyle and dad, they’re trying to think of a way out.

I don’t think we can get out of this one I say through our mind link.

Maybe we could talk to them and they might let us go Kyle replies

I’m going to shift at talk with them you two stay behind me ok?

Yes dad we both reply.

Dad then shifts into his human form. He’s butt naked, I never could understand how he is so comfortable like that in front of people he hasn’t met. Kyle and I stay behind him in our wolf form.

“ I’d like to talk to either your alpha or beta.” Dad says in his business tone. No one moves.

“NOW” dad used his alpha voice adding in his power. Not many people can resist him when he does this. Suddenly a man comes forward. He has a wide build, tall and has muscles galore. He looks to either be an alpha or beta. He comes out with only shorts on and you can see his eight pack, I try not to look. He looks to be about late 30s 40s, his hair is medium length for a male, its thick black and wavy. He steps forward and hands my dad a pair of shorts. Im guessing he got from one to the tree stumps. Dad puts them on.

“I am alpha Hank of the shadow pack.” Yep alpha knew it. “Who are you? And what do you want? “

“ I am Dave high alpha of the blood moon pack and I would like to speak with you privately about a deal that can help both of us.” He’s using his alpha power voice again, but as he announces who he is everyone looks a bit shook. Well of course they are its not every day a high alpha come into your territory. Hank looks at dad for some time and then to us. His eyes go across my red fur. Red fur used to be the colour fur the queen and kings daughter was. It symbolizes power and strength,  Like fire against wood.  Not many wolves have pure red fur these does so when he sees this I think that’s the moment he agrees.

“Of course, Mike Ben.” Two men appear besides him. “You will escort these 3 to the pack house, once they are clothed bring all of them to my office.” He says this all without taking his eyes off of me.  Mike and Ben give us some clothes to change into and then lead us to the pack house, which I’m guessing will be our new home.


ok so i wrote this and i really wanted to update so here it is. i would really like some feedback on this story so if you have any please comment

just added one or two things hope they help the story alittle.

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