~Chapter Eleven~

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•Point of view: Third Person•

As the sun came up at camp half-blood, Apollo's sun chariot landed on the roof of the Apollo cabin, not waking anyone. Or so Apollo thought. Thirty seconds after it got parked, half of the hunters where out of the chariot, including Thalia. The door of Apollo's cabin opened, and out stepped Will.

Will sighed. "Dad, next time please don't land on the roof." He said a little grumpy. "The rest are sleeping."

Apollo looked at Will. "Sorry, I will try to land somewhere else, but why aren't you sleeping?"

"I have an appointment." Will said, as he nods to Thalia, much to the hunters dismay.

Thalia nods back. "Hey Apollo?" She said.

"Yes Thalia?"

"How is it to have the coolest child in the world?" She asked, pointing at Will.

"Hmm," He said. "I don't know, go and ask Zeus or Leto, sorry got to go, the sun is standing still for to long, I will talk to you guys later!"

Will nods, as Apollo leaves camp. "Yea aunt Artemis is cool." He whispered.


After Chiron managed to settle down the hunters, who where laughing, but not admitting that they where, got into their cabin, Chiron wanted to talk to will, because he was awake before the hole camp, but he was already out of sight, so Chiron decided to go and look for Will.


Will stared at Zeus fist, waiting for when his tide would arrive. Will turned around, for he thought he heated a familiar bark coming out of the shadows. Not a bark from a a normal dog, but a bark from a hellhound. Will smiled, as he moved back from the shadows. A few seconds later, a hellhound carrying a boy, popped out of the shadows.

"Nico!" Will said smiling. "Where have you been?"

Nico dropped of Mrs. O'Leary, and said that everything was fine, but that he was a little sleepy.

"Well then, we have someone to find!" Will said, as he helped Nico on the back of Mrs. O'Leary, and then climbed back on himself.

Nico nodded, and then the friendly hellhound jumped into a shadow, and disappeared.


While Chiron was out looking for Will, -he wouldn't find him but he didn't know that- the hunters where asking why Thalia had started a conversation with Apollo and Will. She had simply explained that it was a joke, but they didn't understand why she would talk to a male.

"He isn't like other males!" Thalia nearly shouted.

"And why is that?" A hunter asked.

"He doesn't fall for girls."


"He doesn't like girls in that kind of way you despise, he likes boys in that kind of way."

A hunter wanted to say something, but there remained an awkward silence.

Sorry that it's late, sorry, vacation isn't vacation for me, it means watching Doctor Who with my family, reaaaaal long, and lots of family activities, meaning less time to write! I'm sorry, il try to remain with my schedule, and I will do my best.

Don't forget to vote or comment! It really helps me.

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