~Chapter Eighteen~

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•Point of view: Third Person•

It was time to see if the all the cabins where clean, so Travis and Conner had to go on cleaning inspection. They had finished inspecting all the cabins, except the can of Artemis, which they had tried to avoid, by doing the others first. But, they still had to inspect it since here where people in the cabin. The Stolls stood before the cabin.

"You know what?" One of them asked the other


"You take this one, I have to go and do... eh, stuff! Yes very important stuff!"

The only reply he gets is a frown.

"No way am I going in there!"

"Neither am I!"

One of the Stolls stood stil, and smiled, making the other Stoll feel endangered.

"I have an idea." Travis said. "We just go and write the highest number down, and everything will be fine."

Conner smiled. "Sure"


Inside of Artemis' cabin, only one hunter was there, because she was yet to little to actually shoot with bow and arrow, and was very tired of the walking she had done, since she was just mere in year old. It wasn't usual to adopt maidens at an age like this, but Thalia had vouched for the child, saying she recognised someone's face in it, but couldn't  just place who it was. She would grow up as a part of the hunt, and never know what the savage males could do, she would hear the tales, but never ever have to become a tale. Artemis had not yet blessed her with partial immortality, because she did not wish to carry a baby around the hole time -which she secretly enjoyed- she would wait till she was older.

Soon that it is short, and late, and really short and a filler, but I am sick, got like two tests tomorrow which I haven't learned for, which is now my priority.

By the way, I love that people love my book, but please don't right 'Update' right after I posted it. I need time to write the chapter, have the right base material for a chapter, except if you guys want chapters like these, stop asking to update. Only ask to update if I haven't updated in like a week.

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