The Cursed Guitar

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( The next two stories are going to be about cursed objects that the squires have to help their cursed friend get rid of before it's to late...)

We start here as a quiet day in the Twilight Road guild hall, even though it wasn't technically a guild hall. More or less it was Aena's house that she dedicated to the Squires (also known as Emain's city guards) she stayed in the barracks with the other Royal Guards as she had always done since her coming to Uladh. Kawaii was looking over a music sheet that Nele gave him. Morri was sharping her blade. Monaki was looking out the window brushing her hair. Aena was talking everyone else's ears off about random nonsense like usual.  Sayo, well Sayo heard about the wandering merchant Price who had unique items and this time she declared she would come back with something that would blow everyone's minds. Her footsteps were heard running down the road up to the hall.

 Her footsteps were heard running down the road up to the hall

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^^ Thats's Price above.

"Ah, here she comes now." Kawaii said getting up from the table to open the door for her. "I wonder what she found." He opened the door and Sayo came flying in holding a black and red magical electric guitar.

"Kawaii look what I got you!" She practically squealed "Since you been getting into the music business lately i got you this!"

"Sayo you bought a guitar from Price?" Aena asked walking over to her.

Monaki squinted at it. "It's not very shiny is it?"

Sayo laughed "The man said it was kinda old and yes Aena I did buy it from him." She handed Kawaii the guitar. "Play it!"

Aena laughed "Yea since you're a music nut head! Come on!"

Kawaii smiled and thanked Sayo before he started strumming a tune from the guitar. After he finished and the girls clapping died out he began to sneeze uncontrollably.

"That doesn't look like fun." Morri said scrunching up her face at the sneezing Kawaii.

"You don't say." He tried to laugh but a sneeze came out instead. He rubbed his nose. "Yea sneezing like this hurts."

Monaki pipped up with a suggestion. "You should go see the healer."

Kawaii went to walk out the door but stopped as soon as he realized all the girls where on his heels.

He sneezed "I don't need you guys to come with me to her, I can make it there, Thank you though."

The girls looked at each other like he was speaking another language.

Aena shrugged "His sneezing must have gone to his head."

The girls each nodded and Kawaii sighed and they all took a trip to the healer.

The girls each nodded and Kawaii sighed and they all took a trip to the healer

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