"Little Angel"

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Angel's P.O.V


"So, what did Mr Evans say to you and tall-six-packed-and-yummy?" Harley gushes at Skylar just as she sits down and rolls her eyes at her description of Leyland, although Harley does have a fair point....

"Oh nothin' much, just that Leyland and I need to try and get on better and then there was something about, it's like the fourth time this month he 'personally', has had to stop us arguing, or something," She shrugs. "Oh, and he 'suggested' that we go see the school counsellor about our 'issues' with each other." She says rolling her eyes.

"And, you said what to his 'suggestion'?" I smirk knowingly at my twin and she grins in response.

"I said hell no!," She smirks "but you already knew that, didn't you." She smiles and I give her a "What can I say" smile.

"Why not?" Lyca chimes in as she sits down, followed by her boyfriend Paul and then by Jayden who sits opposite me.

"Please, " She says putting extra emphasis on the "P" so it comes out as 'puh-lease'. "Stuck in the same with Leyland, for an hour, 3 times a week !? No thank you! I'd rather amputate my own leg." She smiles at our slightly disgusted expression at her preferred method of torture. Lovely isn't she ?.

Ding ding, Idea alert. "Well that's really too bad, this could've really worked to your advantage" I say, immediately arousing curiosity within my sister.

"How so?" She says, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Because, your counsellor might decided that what you and Leyland really need is to work out your 'Issues', through a physical release."

"Meaning what exactly?" She says, her curiosity now at it's highest peak.

"Oh you know, just that you'd have the use of foam bats, inflatable hammers, oh and the Oversized boxing gloves of course, but whatever." I say as nonchalantly as possible, trying not to show her that I know her mind was changed after bats. I smile slightly as her eyes begin to twinkle at the prospect of that. Typical violence loving, Skylar.

"I think I'll go see Mr Evans at the end of the day and tell him I'll do it." She says smirking, obviously the possibility of her beating the living crap out of Leyland with an overly large weapon is more appealing to her than I thought. How evil. "Y'know, because I wanna work out our issues. Shifty eyes." We all laugh at her sudden change of mind. Yeah the only thing she wants to work out, is her arm muscles as she repeatedly assaults Leyland with something that can be used to bring him physical harm.

A rather amused smile crosses my sister's face as she envisions herself mauling the poor guy, she looks so happy. Is that worrying? Oh well.

Suddenly, my skin starts to feel as though it's crawling, what the hell? .... I glance at Skylar, her happy expression no longer on her face, her head is lowered and she's just sort of, glaring. What the .... and then it hits me when I see the cause of both our reactions. Drake.

"Hey guys." He says to us all, smiling as he sits down next to Harley.

He recieves a chorus of "Hey's" from everyone, except Skylar and myself, but he doesn't notice. I lower my head and begin to eat I just don't even wanna look at him.

"Hey baby." he says to Harley, planting a kiss on her lips. Yuck! eww, note to self; clean Harley's mouth out while she's sleeping.

"Hey." she smiles so lovingly at that mud monkey. We really need to get that girl's head checked.

It may seems really extreme to dislike him because of some weird nightmare, but it's not just that. I really don't trust him at all, there's just something about him that radiates deception as well as something screaming "Do Not Trust Him!", that always gives me a bad feeling when he's around. Besides people don't just have dreams like that for no reason, especially when there's a supernatural gene pool lying dormant somewhere within them.

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