Love is in Leah's Bedroom

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Slight Trigger Warning: Discussion of Depression

Also some gay boys kissing... in detail...

~Will's POV~

I saw James walking towards me out of the corner of my eye. Subconsciously, I tried to comb down my hair and fixed my flower crown. When James met me he asked to go upstairs and was blushing a bright red. I responded with,

"Sure?", as I was pretty confused by it. James's red hair whipped as he dragged me quickly up the stairs, nearly tripping both of us multiple times. He stopped dead in his tracks when we arrived into Leah's room, causing me to crash into him. Turning around, he blushed and kept apologizing with

"I'm so sorry!" I kept telling him I was fine, but he made me sit down. When I did sit down, he was scrolling through youtube furiously.

"Hey... what you looking for?" I asked as I kicked my legs back and forth.

"Hold on a minute" He responded in a voice that had a lace of determination. So that's what I did. I waited until he finally found the song he was looking for. The same one that had been playing earlier when we were dancing. (If you don't get it by now, it's the Youtube video at the beginning.) James bowed again and asked,

"Another dance, my king?" I took his hand and he quickly drew me into a slow dance. The cute melody of the song played as we spun around in circles. I laughed and blushed as he spun me around and around. James had a similar reaction, but less blushing. When the song was supposed to end, it just looped around again. Halfway through our continued dance, James pushed me against one of the walls close to Leah's bed. He brought his face extremely close to mine as if teasing me. I turned rose-red and stood there wide-eyed. James whispered in my ear,

"Will you be my Valentine, little king?"

"Only if you be my king" I whispered back, and bravely closed the space between us. Shocked by my bold movement, James lurched back slightly, but brought himself back in. We separated after a few seconds, and James stopped the music. James went back in for a deeper kiss soon after, and I just followed his lead as we got more passionate. Soon we were both on the bed, me on the bottom as I kissed James and James kissed back. His hands moved down to my arms and pressed down on my scars. I tried not to wince, but felt myself doing it anyways. This caused James to pull apart from the sweet embrace we were having.

"Did I hurt you?" He asked, almost scared for my health. I tucked my jacketed arms behind my back and sheepishly said

"No...?" James didn't take this for an answer and took of my Vineyard Vines sweatshirt. I heard an audible gasp from him as he saw my slightly healing scars. Nononononono... I thought. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. He would find out and think I was disgusting. My vision started blurring from my newly forming tears before they fell from my eyes, face now red. Grasping me tightly, James asked softly,

"Why?" I responded after a little while with.

"M-my dad is a homo-pho-bic... He..he kno-ws I'm g-gay and hates me fo-r it..." I sputtered, still crying loudly. Comforting me, James pet my hair and hugged me tight.

"How old are they?"

"Newest ones are fro-m Novem-ber"

"Why did you stop then?" James wondered, looking into my eyes.

"Umm..." I blushed a deeper red than my face already was from crying, "because I realized how much you cared for me... you distracted me and made me really happy," I sniffled, relieving myself from the final tears I had. Kissing my forehead lightly, James said,

"I'll always be there for you, my little king." And hugged me for another minute or two before sitting next to me and asking,

"Want to go steal some cookies?" while wiggling his eyebrows. I giggled, slipped my jacked back on, and raced James downstairs to go feast on chocolate-chip cookies.

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