15. It's Time.

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A/N: Well, i hope you all enjoy this!

dedicated to crazycherries for the new cover :)

~Hunter xx.


The day has come, the day that Louis goes in for his surgery. The whole week leading up to it, he was going mad. His nerves were acting up and he may or may not have had a panic attack or two, but who’s counting.

Louis was sitting up against the headboard in his and Harry’s now shared room. He was looking down at his lap, even though he couldn’t see it, he was still looking down. He really wanted to see, but he just doesn’t want any disappointment. He’s sick and tired of all of the disappointment all the damn time, he wants something to go his way for a change.

Louis feels the bed dip and a pair of lips press to his cheek, “Lou, what’s wrong?” Harry spoke as he rubbed his thumb against Lou’s cheek as a tear trickles down his face.

“What if, what if it doesn’t work?”

“The doctor said that it will have to be something if it doesn’t work, it’s only a simple procedure, you know that.”

“But, there is still that chance of it not working.”

“I understand that, but that’s slim to none, meaning that there is a bigger, much bigger, possibility of it working.”

“I’m sorry, I’m just so use to disappointment, I just want this one thing to happen the way that I want, you know?”

“I know, but don’t you worry the doctor is good, and I’m not going to leave you there alone, alright?”

“Yeah, alright.” He leans up and he manages to find Harry’s lips. They share a nice soft kiss before Harry was telling him to get dressed so they can leave.


“Alright, Louis, you ready?” Dr. McBride asked as he walked into the room, instantly seeing Harry holding Louis’ hand tightly.

“I guess,” Louis answered and turned his head to nuzzle it into Harry’s chest. Dr. McBride cooed at how adorable the two of them were.

“Alright, so let me explain what’s to be expected before you freak.”

Louis nodded his head and sat up straight to listen to what the doctor had to say.

The doctor told them the protocol and all of the possible side effects, but tried not to freak Louis out even more, and soon Lou was getting wheeled into the operating room. He didn’t want to let go of Harry’s hand, so he didn’t.

“Umm, would it be alright, if Harry stays in the room?”

“Well, he’s not supposed to be, but if he follows me into the next room over, there is a one sided mirror and he will be right behind it watching. Would that be fine?”

“Yeah, that would be.” Harry leans down to kiss Louis’ cheek before leaving him to go into the next room.


Harry couldn’t really actually watch them perform surgery, him being in the room just made him feel safer, made Louis feel safer.

He played around on his phone and even called up his parents, but they didn’t even answer.

“Hello mother, it’s Harry...as you can see I can talk again. But, you would know if you didn’t stop fucking talking to us. Anyways, Louis is in surgery getting his eyesight back, not that you care. I don’t even know if you will ever call me back because honestly I wouldn’t give a flying fuck. Have a nice day, Bye.”

He doesn’t even know why he called her, the whole family had stopped talking to them a year ago. Didn’t even call them on their birthday’s, and it really upset Louis because it turned 21 that year. His own mother wasn’t even there to celebrate it, so he did what any 21 year old did, got shitfaced.

That was an interesting memory to Harry, but it wasn’t really all good. It sort of ended in Louis bawling his eyes out and screaming about why his parents didn’t want him anymore. They both try to have that memory fade, but sometimes memories like these never leave.

Harry was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn’t notice that they were finished with Louis’ surgery. He looks up to see Louis sitting up with his head wrapped in gauze. Harry hears the door open and the Dr. McBride comes in to sit next to him.

“So, the surgery went as expected, nothing went wrong. He will need to keep the bandages on, periodically changing the gauze over his eyes, but he cannot open them. Change them every two days and then by the 20th I’ll want him back.”

“Alright, I don’t need to put like anything on them besides the gauze right?”

“Nope, but if you want to wash around his eyes, carefully, to make sure the skin doesn’t get too irritated, that’s up to you.”

“Alright, thank you again, for this.”

“Hey, it’s my job to make people happy. Now, why don’t you go fetch him before he freaks.”

“Ohh, yeah that would be the best thing to do.” Dr. McBride pats Harry’s back before he leaves to tend to other patients.

Harry walks into the other room and Louis’ head snaps up as he starts to shake, “Ha--Harry?”

“It’s me love, I’m right here,” Harry walks over to Louis who tips his head back and Harry kisses his lips softly.

“Can we go home now?” Harry chuckles, but he leads Louis out of the doctor’s office to head home.

The rest of their night was spent together cuddled up on the couch. The soft christmas music playing in the background as they both drifted off.

“Alright Louis, I’m going to take off your bandages. The lights are going to be off so just wait and don’t freak out.” Louis nods as an answer.

The doctor pulls the bandages off of Louis’ eyes and he tells him, “Alright, we are going to start with a few smaller lights before we get to the big light. So, let’s get started.”

The doctor turned on each of the lamps, but Louis was still in the darkness.

“Why is it still dark?”

“Harry, why am i still seeing darkness?”


“Doctor, I thought you said it would work?”

“It should have worked...it should have. I’m sorry.”

Louis jumped up from his dream and since he was on the couch, he tumbled to the floor. He instantly started to cry, and Harry instantly jumped off the couch to bring Louis into his arms. He rocked him back and forth while whispering into Louis’ ears ‘it was just a dream, everything will be alright.’ 


“Yes, Lou?”

“Can you bring me into the room to lay down? Crying so much has made me dizzy.”

“Anything for you my love,” Harry kisses Louis’ forehead before picking him up and carefully laying him down. He, himself, lays down and brings Louis into his arms. Harry nuzzles his nose in the back of Louis’ neck, making the latter chuck from the sensation.

“I really do love you Harry,”

“I know, and I love you too.”

Locked Out of Love -Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now