17. Can't live without him.

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A/N: Sorry for the extremely long wait, but here it is! As well as sorry for this shortness...the next few chapters will be LONGER. 
Anyways, this story is about to come to an end. And there will be NO sequel, but maybe two differnet epilogues, i'm not sure yet.

Hope you enjoy!
~Hunter xx.



“Harry, babe, where are you?” Louis spoke as he was walking through the front door. He heard shuffling coming from the kitchen and as he got closer, he heard quiet whispers.

“Kitchen!” He heard Harry shout and Louis toes off his shoes before walking in there. He gets in and his eyes set on two figures that he hasn’t seen in over a year; his parents.

Louis looked to Harry, who was just as confused, and raised his eyebrow before turning to them, “So nice to fucking see you. Tea anyone?” he walked over to the stove and turned on the kettle. He leans into Harry’s side and turns toward his parents who haven’t uttered a word.

“Don’t use that tone with us, we are your parents,” Lou’s father spoke and Lou scoffed in disagreement.

“Funny way of showing it,” Louis spoke as he narrowed his eyes, “We get into a fucking accident, Harry couldn’t speak and I couldn’t see. And you of all people stopped fucking talking to us.”

“Sor--” “Sorry doesn’t cut it, you left us, you fucking left us in our time of need.” Louis started to scream at his parents, and he even somehow started to scream in french; Harry didn’t even know he knew that much.

After a few more minutes of screams, just from Louis, he storms out of the kitchen and treads up the stairs and slams the door to their bedroom just as the kettle went off.

“Would you like tea?” Harry spoke hesitantly as he looked over at his shocked parents.

They both nod and he pours them some. He gets the milk out of the fridge and hands them the sugar before excusing himself to go see Lou.




As soon as Lou reached the room and slammed the door, he crumbles onto the bed in soft sobs. He still loved his parents, well because at the end of the day they are still his parents. But, the problem is that they left, they left when him and Harry needed them the most. He missed the soft hugs from his mother when he was having a bad day, and he missed his dad’s advice when he was having trouble in the boy department. He knew that it was awkward talking to his dad about boys, but at least his dad tried to help him.

This is how Harry found him, knees tucked to his chest, looking directly forward as the tears were still trickling down his face. Harry opened the door and it creaked, but Lou didn’t move or even flinch.

Harry walks over and fits himself behind Lou on the bed. He leans against the headboard and pulls him toward him. Lou leans back on Harry’s chest and uncurls himself, “You okay?” Harry asked as he moved the hair blocking Lou’s eyes.

Lou shrugged, “I don’t know, but it did feel good to get all of that off my chest.”

Harry chuckles, “Yeah, I didn’t even know that you could speak that much french.”

“I’ve been able to fluently speak since about senior year of highschool, I just never felt the need to use it. But, when I’m really mad it just shows,” Louis turns his body slightly and places his head on Harry’s chest. He hears the steady heartbeat where his ear is, and he smiles. The same sound that helped him get to sleep all the restless nights. The heartbeat that made him feel welcome, made him feel that this was where he belonged.

Harry grabs Lou’s hand and intertwines their fingers, “So, what do you want to do about Mom and Dad?”

“Can you tell them that I’ll call them when I’m ready?” Lou looks up to Harry and he nods before pressing his lips softly to his.

“Alright, I’ll be right back.”




“I’m sorry, but he really doesn’t want to talk. He just needs time, I promise I will get him to call you within a weeks time,” Harry spoke as his parents looked on, and it looked as if his mom was about ready to cry her eyes out.

“Alright, come on honey let’s go,” Harry’s father spoke as he helped his mother to her feet. Harry followed them to the door to see them out. Just as he was about to close the door, he father turns around, “Oh and by the way, it’s good to see you both finally together,” He winks before getting into the car and driving away.

Harry blushed slightly and closed the door to go back to Lou. He gets to room only to be met with a sleeping figure. He smiles before toeing off his own shoes and laying down behind him. He pulls him to his chest and kisses the back of Lou’s exposed neck. Lou turns around and nuzzles his head into Harry’s neck before falling back to sleep.

Harry doesn’t sleep, he really can’t, all he can think about is how he can’t live without him. He can’t survive without him.

And idea pops into his head, and really it will hit everyone by surprise, hopefully.

Locked Out of Love -Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now