(4) Draco Malfoy

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The rest of the day went by rather smoothly, and I was happy that Professor Snape (despite how strict he was) found me to be a rather good student when he asked simple questions I was able to answer in a flash. I got praised for earning Slytherin points on my participation, and he even said, "you all should learn from her," in a dull voice. Although, I pretended to laugh alongside Pansy as she found Snape's harshness on the Potter boy an entertainment I felt bad for him. I was lucky to even answer his questions when he called on me unexpectedly; and I could only imagine how Potter felt at that moment. Other than my participation in potions, I didn't really speak much for the rest of the day unless it was introducing myself to teachers. 

The week started off fine, with everyone getting to know each other and soon we began to actually do work in our classes. I made sure to go up to the Owlry and mail to mother who kept sending back asking and prodding about how my first week at Hogwarts was like so far. My roommates were rather distant, but I was relieved to find Pansy and Daphne didn't mind my presence despite I still kept to myself. The purple haired Ravenclaw boy I ran into earlier in the week constantly passed me in hallways in which he would say a simple brief "hi," as he passes. I try not to feel a twinge bad when I ignore his greetings, especially when I'm with Daphne and Pansy. I continue to hear blasphemous things about the other houses, specifically Gryffindor and how they're nothing but rowdy and lowlifes. I don't want to end up being the girl in Hogwarts who was frowned down upon, especially since the utter of my family name is enough to get people to cringe and avoid me. I listen to Pansy's advice, and I only hope I excel here, both academic wise, and reputation. 

I keep a low head, answering when only spoken to, and making sure I don't end up with quote on quote "the wrong crowd." I hear its crucial that one maintains a good schooling life here, and I want to follow in my mother's footsteps and be successful. My mind is solely focus on keeping a good academic record, and making sure I have a smooth ride throughout my years here. Despite how isolated I was, I still don't want to end up being labeled the "freak" because I was homeschooled and lacked social skills, hence why I keep quiet...even though that idea brings forth the funniest amount of irony. 

"Our first flying lesson!" I jump by the sudden squealing and almost dropped my books and I turn to see the familiar dark skinned Hufflepuff girl smiling widely at me in excitement. We stood side by side at the edge of the lawn, awaiting our instructor Madame Hooch for our flying lesson that I was half and half anticipating yet petrified about. Right now, the bubbly girl was making it ten times worse by annoying me.

"I'm pretty excited about this! I've never flown on a broom, and I've seen a few witch movies but I doubt it'll be anything like them. Have you ever flown?" She spoke so rapidly I almost didn't catch her last question. 

"Not much."

"How come?" I was a bit upset I didn't have Daphne or Pansy here, I could've escaped Eva easier.

"Its not lady-like. Apparating is better, according to mother."

"Apparating? What's that?" She was pestering with so many questions it was annoying. I kept my answers short and internally sighed in relief when Madame Hooch walked onto the lawn with multiple brooms in hand. The rest of the class finally got up from their slouched and sitting positions against the castle wall and began to walk forward when she motioned for us. I dropped my books and the rest of my stuff on the edge of the lawn before walking forward as my robes flew behind me with the sudden breeze. I made sure to grab a spot in line between two Ravenclaws as I avoided Eva immediately, her chattering doing no good. Madame Hooch throughout the week didn't fail to inform us on the basics of flying as she reviewed with us while handing out brooms. I grabbed mines, feeling the wood underneath my hand as I observed it. 

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