(5) Thus Begins The Rivalry

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"I don't want to do this." I mutter as Pansy tugged at my arm forcing me down the steps towards the Slytherin common room in my nightgown and warm slippers. Daphne was behind me, I turned to her for support, only to be given a shrug and apologetic gaze. When we reached the bottom, we found the fire in the fireplace was no longer lit, and it grew a bit chilly as I hugged my night robe closer around me. We saw Draco and his goons sitting on the common room couch snickering and whispering. Daphne, Pansy, and I have been with the three boys a lot lately, almost two weeks have passed since I first spoke to the short boy in the dining room that day; and since then Pansy has been pushing us to sit with him and speak to him more. Pansy was annoying, but you grow to live with it. I know the mischief boy has been planning to get back at Harry Potter and his friends, and I knew the girls and I would most likely be a part of it considering Pansy is always showing her hatred towards Potter whenever around Draco. Pansy practically bursted into my room waking up my roommates in a disgruntle as she dragged me out before I could even get dress. I wanted to spend my Sunday sleeping, awaiting for a letter my mother hasn't sent in a while prior to my response, and read in my own secluded world.

"We're here!" Pansy perked up with a raised eyebrow, the pug faced girl was a blushing mess when the short and narrowed face boy turned and looked happy-in a evil looking way-to see we were here. I didn't have a good feeling about this as we al sat down on the couch around the table, Draco grinning as he began to speak.

"I hear Potter is having another Quidditch practice today. The git deserves to be taught a lesson for boasting about his achievements...so we pay him a visit being the good sports we are." So much sarcasm laced his voice as Crabbe and Goyle snickered, Pansy was interested, and Daphne looked absolutely bored by all this. I felt uncomfortable by how calm they all seemed at sabotaging the boy's practice, and despite not liking how he gets so much recognition and fame, I didn't hate him to the point of wanting to bully him. I mean yes I laugh at other's embarrassing moments, but who doesn't? I don't want to play a part in a plan if it involves doing more than I can handle, and I know what Malfoy is capable of.

"I think we should leave him be." I let out without a thought, instantly regretting it when their eyes turned to me and I felt so inferior under their penetrating stares, even Daphne's. Daphne had been spending too much time with Pansy, she seemed to okay with this, and I felt left out to not be okay with it, I mean Slytherin's aren't mean to be cowards, right?

"Bugger off. Are you going to be prudish now? We're only going to watch him practice." I give Draco a look, my hands on my hips in disbelief as I watched his eye glint by the thought of it all and I knew immediately he was lying.

"Why am I even coming-"

"Because Potter may have some freak accident during his practice and you're great at reading spells out loud if needed. You could be like a mobile healer!" The faux happiness laced in Pansy's voice didn't make me relax in the slightest. They all stared at me, awaiting for my response as I worried that they were planning something that could get us in trouble. I can't be in trouble, mother would have a fit and even make an appearance herself to put me straight back into line if necessary.

"I don't-"

"Just get ready, they start practice once breakfast is finished." I turn to Daphne who was silent the entire time and ask:

"Are you going?" She shrugged her shoulders, her blonde hair falling down her back from the loose ponytail she obviously slept in.

"Its not like we'll do any harm," but I knew Daphne wasn't stupid, she knew this would only end in someone getting harassed and I had a feeling it would be Potter. I didn't want to disappointment my friends and I turn with sigh back to my room to get dressed.

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