Chapter 10 - "I'm off to face my death."

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"Drat!" Amelia said, staring down at her watch.

The sudden exclamation startled Sebastian's attention away from a spot on the floor.   

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Yeah," she muttered. "Gosh dang it! Why did I agree?"

She dragged her hand down her face, annoyance at herself bringing a frown to her features. She met Sebastian's waiting expression and sighed heavily.

"I have to go," she said quietly.

"I'm sorry?"

"I have a blind date," Amelia said, resigned.

A hint of amusement flashed in Sebastian's eyes.

Amelia, Dodger and Jules had been relieved to find that Sebastian's mood had taken a one-eighty turn after Winston's party, his intense, but more tolerable self showing back up.

"Go ahead and laugh. I'm kicking myself for agreeing," Amelia said.

"Why'd you agree?" he asked.

"I had a mild curiosity about who Poppy would set me up with. Now I'm rethinking my decision."

"Of agreeing?"       

"No. My decision of ever becoming her friend."

Sebastian nodded.

"Well, good luck on your date," he said.

Amelia collected her tea cup from the coffee table and followed Sebastian out of the music room. The apartment smelled faintly of coffee and cinnamon. Jules was on the couch. Her eyes flickered to them in surprise as they stepped out of the hallway.

"Another break?" Jules asked.

"No, Amelia has a date," Sebastian said.

"Really? With who?" Jules asked.

"I don't know," Amelia said.

"Oooh! A blind date, how fun!" Jules said.

"Yeah, if you like awkward conversations, uncomfortable silence and eating in front of someone you don't know. Yeah, it sounds like fun!" Amelia said.

"Come on, it can't be that bad. I'm sure you been on lots of dates before. Just smile and flirt a little. It will go fine," Jules said, encouragingly.

"I have a question for you. Do I strike you as the type of person who naturally flirts?" Amelia asked.

She watched as both Jules and Sebastian studied her, coming to the same conclusions. Hair in a ponytail, wearing a Beatles t-shirt and jeans, Amelia didn't make for a very flirty looking girl. Jules's deflated slightly.

"No. You don't," Sebastian said.

"Maybe he will be a big talker and you won't have to worry," Jules said, though even her face betrayed that this was unlikely.

Amelia sighed and pulled on her coat.

"I'm off to face my death," she said.

"Good luck," Jules called as the door swung closed.


Amelia trudged out of her room, wearing a new silky shirt Poppy had given her a year ago and skinny jeans.

"What do you think?" she asked.

Charlie looked up from his computer. He walked over to inspect her, bringing with him the scent of ink and heavily worded textbook pages.

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