Amelia jerked awake and looked around blearily. Danny's dressing room came into focus. Upbeat music drifted through the air, tangling with disjointed words from the murmured conversation taking place outside the door.
"Did you call me?" Amelia asked.
"You fell asleep as I was telling you the riveting story of my trip to Europe and the encounter with the group of models." He frowned. "Well I thought it was riveting until you fell asleep during it. What's the matter Aims? You don't seem excited about our last performance."
"I'm extremely excited for our last show. I'm jumping up and down, in my mind. It's my body that's getting in the way. It's having a problem with its current lack of sleep," Amelia said, evenly.
"Don't worry Aims, after tonight you can sleep for the rest of your life if you like."
"You're right, once I go home I have a week and then school starts. I have loads of time to do absolutely nothing," she said, flatly.
Danny looked at her puzzled.
"Why are you even going to school? You could get a job with any band if you wanted to," he said.
"My mother always had a desire for me to get my degree. So for her I go to school and will finish this fall."
"You're graduating at the end of this semester?" Danny asked, disbelieving.
Amelia nodded.
"I planned on obeying my mother's wishes, but I never planned on taking as long as four years to accomplish it. So I will finish early and from there, I have no idea."
"You're not staying with me then?" he asked, quietly.
Her gaze dropped to her hands and she stared blankly at them.
"I don't know, I haven't decided yet and I'm not sure I want to decide right now. My brain isn't completely working at the moment." She tapped the side of her head. "Exhaustion you know," she said.
Danny laughed and nodded.
"I guess that makes sense, but just know I will take you as my drummer if you want the position, its your's. Until I find someone better," he said, grinning.
"We both know there isn't anyone better, so good luck with that plan."
Danny tossed his head back, laughing, the sound snatching the attention of a passing figure.
"Hey Danny, Haley is about to go on, you coming?" Nate asked.
"Of course."
Danny stuffed his hands into his pockets, waiting as Amelia laboriously pulled on her shoes.
"You are such a slow poke," he said, prodding her shoulder.
She swatted at his hand and pushed herself up, following Danny.
As they got closer and closer to the stage, the sound of hundreds of voices rushed to meet them. Haley stood off to the side, waiting. She looked over as Danny approached, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"Come to watch my last hurrah?" she asked, her posture relaxed, her long dark brown hair fluttering gently in the breeze.
"Of course, what would you do with out a good luck kiss?" he said, cheekily.
"Perform just as well as I have every other night," Haley said, flippantly.
Danny shrugged, his expression going uncaring.
"That may be true. Or you could perform better than you ever thought," he said, carelessly.
Crossing her arms, Haley took a step back, giving Danny an appraising look.

Every Second [COMPLETED]
Teen Fiction"Honestly one of the best books I've read" - mywayforme "I'll take it from here," Sebastian said. "Ms. Dawson, I re-watched your interlude performance from Saturday and I was impressed with your drumming ability. I'm about to start work on my next a...