Chapter 16 - "What happened?"

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"So, how is William doing?" Poppy asked, staring at her fingernails casually.

"Seriously Pops?" Amelia asked, disbelieving.

They sat on the stairs inside Juilliard, the sound of students climbing up and down ringing around them.

"What? You just spent a week in London and I want to know how it went." Poppy said, her tone flippant.

"I got home four days ago. And that's not what you asked about, you asked about Will."

"Fine. I want to know about Will, did he ask about me?"

Will had asked about Poppy. But Amelia was not planning on telling Poppy that, in case a week passed and Poppy's interest in Will faded like the hopes of a blind date.

"I had a wonderful week with my grandparents, thanks for asking," Amelia said.

Poppy huffed and started collecting her things.

"Glad to hear it. I should go stretch for class."

"You're seriously going to leave me because I won't answer your question?"

Poppy gave a noncommittal shrug.

"Later Aims."

Amelia check her watch and stood, pulling her satchel over her head.

The elevator doors slid open and Amelia walked out into the small entryway. She knocked against the dark wood door and waited. There was no movement from the inside. She knocked again louder, in case Sebastian was further in the apartment. Her hand was poised to knock a third time when she heard the soft shuffling of feet on the other side. A smile fell into place as the doorknob turned and froze there as the door swung completely open.

Amelia took a hesitant step backwards at the sight of Sebastian. His hair was in disarray, he was shirtless and his jaw was marred by a week's worth of scruff. He looked as if he hadn't slept in a week and if he had it was a restless. His shoulders were bent, under an invisible weight, his body curving in on itself.

"Hey?" Amelia said, hesitantly.

Her voice seemed to rouse Sebastian from his muddled thoughts and he looked at her. A storm of emotion clouded over his eyes. It seemed to take all his strength to see her through the haze.

"Amelia," Sebastian said, his voice sounding raw.

"Hi, I thought we were working today."

Amelia pulled out her phone, to check that she had the right date. At the sight of the phone Sebastian's face contorted into anger.

"No pictures!"

The door slammed closed. She stood there frozen until her brain moved past the shock. Confused, she turned and called the elevator.


"Hey how did your session go?" Charlie called out from the dining room table as Amelia slipped into the apartment.

Amelia didn't answer as she pulled off her jacket and satchel.


Amelia looked up. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I asked how today went?"

"It was fine. Wait...sorry. No, I didn't work with Sebastian today."

She moved into the kitchen and started to pull things out at random, before she realized that the ingredients before her were completely useless together.

"What happened?" Charlie asked, walking over to her.

Amelia stared down in a daze, before she pulled her thoughts together.

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