A soft vibrating buzz poked a hole in Amelia's dream, pulling her into the world of reality. She rolled over, her hand patting the night stand before finding her phone. Eyes still closed and thoughts still half dormant, she answered.
"Aims, I'm outside," Sebastian said.
Amelia blinked, trying to decipher what she had just heard.
"Aims, are you awake?" Sebastian asked, a hint of doubt in his words.
Suddenly the sound of Sebastian's voice roused her and she jerked up.
"Yes, that's my name."
"You're outside."
"Currently, yes."
Amelia shifted on her bed and crashed to the floor. A surprised shriek escaped her lips. She struggled with the folds of her duvet looking for her phone. The faint sound of Sebastian's voice asking if she was alright, guided her to the device and she grabbed it.
"Hey, yeah. Sorry, fell off the bed. Give me a second," Amelia said, trying to kick off the blanket.
"Aims, are you alright?"
"I'll be right there."
She dropped the phone and pushed herself to her feet, staggering slightly as one foot snagged on the edge of the comforter.
Disheveled after the attack of her duvet, she hurried to the front door. She pulled it open with a breathless hi. Sebastian's eyes ran over her and his smile kept growing as he took all of her in.
"Aims, you don't have to come with me. We can just say goodbye here," he said.
"No, I want to come with you. Just give me five minutes and I'll be ready."
His smile went teasing.
"You sure you need all that time? You look pretty cute this way to me," Sebastian said, taking in her tank top and pajama shorts once more.
Scowling, Amelia let go of the door and turned back into the apartment.
"Five minutes," she called out behind her.
Sebastian nodded and strolled into the apartment, leaning against the counter.
Amelia reappeared minutes later, dressed and still slightly disheveled. Sebastian's eyes widened and he glanced out at his watch.
"You actually took five minutes. Renee says five minutes and I take it to mean twenty," Sebastian said.
Laughing, Amelia stood in front of Sebastian. His smile widened as he looked into her face. The energy in the room that had been electrified a second before with rushing motion, calmed. He took her both her hands in his and squeezed them.
"Hey," he said.
All of the mornings antics slipped from Amelia in a slow breath and her shoulders relaxed.
"Hi. You want to get going?"
He shrugged carelessly.
"Not really, I'm happy right here. But we should or Jones will have to come up and I'm not sure the elevator would be able to make the journey."
A giddy fluttering feeling flowed over Amelia and she bit her lower lip, holding in the idiot smile.
Jones waited by the open car door and Sebastian helped Amelia in and climbed in after her. Like long lost lovers their hands joined once again. They held onto each with a quiet strength that said all the things that the moment called for, but neither could say.

Every Second [COMPLETED]
Teen Fiction"Honestly one of the best books I've read" - mywayforme "I'll take it from here," Sebastian said. "Ms. Dawson, I re-watched your interlude performance from Saturday and I was impressed with your drumming ability. I'm about to start work on my next a...