Chapter Three: Him Again

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"No!" Eleanor's hands reached for the phone, and though she couldn't have grabbed it because of the distance, the woman's arm flew back. Her shoulder dislocated out of her socket and her now bloody limb fell to the ground.

Almost as if all the people of the city were connected to each other, each person one by one began to bleed. Some collapsed from sheer blood loss and some just stood there, wincing and/or screaming in pain. The girl looked around at what she had created, a war scene. Blood and pain and suffering was everywhere, from the sight of crimson liquid covering almost every single object you looked at to the sounds of the tortured shrieks of the innocents to the smell of blood poisoning the once clean air. That's all that she had come for, clean air... and now it was destroyed because of her. That's all she ever did: destroy.

Eleanor Thorne never wanted to hurt people, and yet, here she was, standing in the middle of a bloodbath that was entirely her fault. All she could do was stand there and cry as everyone around her took one step closer to death... What she didn't expect was for them to show up. She did nothing as The Avengers, in all of their glory, advanced on her. They looked threatening, but she didn't care. She just sat down on the cement, not a care in the world that she might die here and now. If anything, Eleanor thought she deserved it.

She had heard of them, taking down big threats like HYDRA and the god Loki, and she wasn't very surprised that she was now in that category; the dangerous, violent killer category. They all looked marvellous in their own ways, but terrifying all the same. They had come to take her, put her in jail, maybe even kill her, and she didn't give a damn. In her own mind, it was best for everyone.

That's when she saw him, holding a gun. He still those same piercing blue eyes that burned through her seven years ago, that angry expression of vengeance, the perfect pink pout, and that same metal arm... though he had a slightly different look on his face then the last time she saw him. He looked almost... frightened. His icy eyes darted back and fourth and his strong, dark eyebrows crunched in confusion.

Bucky started back at the girl lying on the concrete in defeat, tears falling from her eyes, blood streaming from her lips and nose and a large, quickly forming bruise on her jaw. Though she looked deeply flawed, his mind saw past all of that. He could look right through her, into her soul, and he could still see that little girl. Though it had been seven years since they had even thought about each other, that sweet child hadn't changed a bit in his eyes. She was still innocent, still terrified for her life, still unclear as to what she could do and how wonderful she truly was. She could've left him, but she didn't. She sat right down by him and let her emotions flow out.

Though Bucky had had his memory wiped many times, what he hadn't realized until he saw Steve was that though you don't remember faces, you do remember souls. When he first saw her he saw his best friend, not backing out of a fight and feeling sympathetic over every little thing.

Unfortunately for him, seven years had changed Eleanor quite a bit.

She rolled over and ran, not caring where she ended up. In recent years she had learned more about this "Winter Soldier" and how he would not only kill you, but do horrible things to you before you were aloud to die. She was okay with death, but not by him. Not by the Winter Soldier.

She was immediately picked up by her waist, the same way the man had captured her when she was eleven years old, and that flashback alone made her so terrified that she couldn't breathe. She looked down at the arm around her, but it was blue this time instead of silver.

"Cap!" Bucky screamed, running towards his boyfriend, who held the girl in his arm, a darkly tinted syringe in her other hand. "Stevey, no! It's not her fault. She didn't do anything."

Eleanor heard the voice and she stopped struggling, confused as to who said what she just heard. The stop of movement from the girl gave the Captain a chance to plunge the needle in her neck, and Eleanor's vision began to go away.

Bucky watched as the poor girl faded into unconsciousness, her head falling back onto Cap's shoulder and her jet back fringe flopping off of her forehead. She stopped struggling and went limp, completely asleep.

MERRY CHRISTMAS (or whatever you celebrate)! I hope you liked the chapter. Hopefully it didn't seem too rushed, as I wrote this entirely in about an hour.

Do you have any predictions? Any questions? Concerns? Just thoughts in general? If you do, feel free to comment and let me know.

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*coughs* Let me start over.

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Thanks for reading this rushed piece if shit, and have a wonderful day!

(Also, I'm adding titles to all of the chapters unless someone stops me. Bye for real!)

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