Chapter Eight: Theo and Winter

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Dot woke up with a ringing in her ears and several depressing thoughts in her mind. "Why am I not dead?" she muttered to no one in particular. Yet, someone still answered her.

"They decided not to kill you because you have valuable information. Not what I wanted to do."

Dot's head shot up and her pale eyes met with Bucky's bright ones. She had seen the way he had looked at her when she was explaining herself, and he still had murder in his piercing eyes. She tried to move, get away, run, something, but she couldn't; her wrists were secured to the chair she sat in with metal cuff-like things, which were also around her ankles and were wrapped around just below her underarms. She exhaled, her body relaxing a bit and her mind gaining more frantic by the second. "Is this really necessary?"

Bucky nodded. "I got the rest of them to let me do the interrogation, so Theo..." Bucky snarled, cracking his knuckles. "Let's begin."

Eleanor watched from the other side of the one-way glass, trying to decide who's neck she was going to snap first. She knew it was her fault for letting Dot come, but if she was killed, that wouldn't be the last murder of the day. Cap stood next her in silence until he felt too awkward and finally left. Eleanor was glad. If he had stood there any longer there would've been a bloodbath; but then someone else took his place.

"I can tell she's innocent," Natasha muttered, just loud enough for Eleanor to hear. The other turned to her slowly, trying not to snap her skull in half. "I don't think I've introduced myself yet, because I normally don't," Natasha turned to Eleanor. "but I'm Natasha, or Black Widow, I guess, and I'm a Russian spy. Again, I normally don't tell people things like this, but I felt that it was important for what I'm about to say.

"Your friend, Theodora was it? Yeah, she's innocent. I've learned to read people, and she really did try to leave her previous life. She never wanted to kill people, and there is a lot of regret in her eyes. I can tell a lot of things, but I think that's all that you, or anyone, needs to know."

Eleanor stared blankly at the other, who had on a blank expression. A lock of wavy red hair covered a bit of her face and she shook her head, throwing the bit of hair back behind her.

Natasha spoke again. "Do you want me to tell the other what I just told you?"

Eleanor blinked, stuttering a bit. "Um, yeah, thank you. Thank you so much."

Natasha nodded and walked away, effortlessly swaying her hips like a model.

"Do you know how much effort it took to escape from HYDRA?" Bucky glared at Dot, trying not to reach over the table and strangle her, while Dot tried to keep her breathing normal and her anxiety at bay. "Now you're just..." Bucky laughed. "You're here to get me back, aren't you? You're here to take me back after all of this. H-how did you even get in here?"

Dot opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She coughed, trying not to choke on the poison around her most called oxygen. "I-" her voice came out scratchy and rough. "I don't know who you are. I never worked with HYDRA, it was only my fathe-"

She was cut off by a cold, metallic hand wrapping around her throat, the sharp edges of the metal digging into her skin. Bucky growled. "I just got Steve back, you are not taking me away from him again." His grip tightened and he laughed harshly as Dot's skin slowly turned to a sickening shade of blue.

Eleanor screamed as she saw Bucky lunge across the table and attack her friend, and Natasha quickly ran in, followed by some of the others. "Cap! Go contain your boyfriend," Nat practically yelled. Steve kicked down the door and he and Tony went to go deal with Bucky.

Eleanor could hear screaming and some other sounds, and she wasn't sure if the loud noise was coming from her or someone else. Her knuckles turned white as she clenched her firsts and focused all her energy on the Winter Soldier and on his most fatal bones to break, and she had almost willed herself to snap his spine when an arm wrapped around her waist and arms and she was pulled into the person.

"I'll break your fucking neck, you whore!" Eleanor spit out obscenities as she struggled against the other, when a soft hand was put on her mouth and someone whispered in her ear.

"That wasn't very nice."

Eleanor was spun around and shoved into the wall, her almost red eyes meeting with Natasha's sparking blue ones. The assassin had her forearm on the younger's neck and her other hand holding her wrists together. She spoke in a soothing, almost therapeutic voice. "I need you to call down. I promise that your friend will be okay. I told the others what I could see, and they've agreed to let her go after a few more questions. I can guarantee that Bucky won't be around her again." She watched as the other girl's eyes faded back into their normal dark brown, and removed her arm from Eleanor's neck.

Eleanor collapsed into Natasha, sobbing into her shoulder. Natasha stumbled back, hugging the girl after a moment and holding her close to her chest like a child, knowing that the sound of her heartbeat would calm the other down.

After a bit, Eleanor did calm down, and looked up over Natasha's shoulder, watching as Tony carried Dot's limp body into another room with Steve trailing behind, a sedated Bucky flung over his shoulder.

Hey guys! It's like the middle of the night, but yeah... here's an update.

Um... uh... I had an audition that went well... that's exciting I guess...

Ugh, I'm too awkward.

As always, be sure to vote, comment, share, take a look at my other works, and all that jazz. Thanks for reading and have a beautiful day!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2017 ⏰

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