6 | Welcome to Mystic Falls

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6: Welcome to Mystic Falls

"Now, Voyager, sail thou forth to Seek and Find."

- yes. I have a card for a motel there and a little charm.
- why a charm?
- I don't know... I don't
- okay well I'll see you tonight. I'm actually pumped about leaving!
- (I chuckle) me too, anyway bye my dad should be home soon.
- bye

I hung up the phone and admired the charm a little more.

It's so elegant and.. beautiful.

"Alex I'm home."

I quickly jump away from the couch, hiding the charm behind my back.

"Dad, gosh! You scared me." I said placing a hand over my heart. He fully enters the house and closes the door. "Sorry sweetheart, whatcha got there?" He asks.

I shrugged "Nothing, a friend sent me a package." I lied. I grabbed the box and was about to go upstairs until he asked which friend.

"James." I say. Oh gosh!

"But James was just here yes- He still misses me." I said rushing up the stairs. I walked into my room and closed the door.

That was close.

Monday Night

"Goodnight dad" I said as I walked into my room and locked the door.

Okay this is it.

I told the boys to meet me a block away from my home.

I grabbed my suitcase, duffle bag and opened my room window. I took one last glance at my room before shoving my body out the window and onto the roof.

I make sure to close the window behind me. I grabbed the suitcase and duffle bag pushing them one by one onto the ground.

I mean the suitcase will probably hold up better than I will.

I slowly walked towards the edge of the roof. I slung one leg over and scooted closer. I slung the other and scooted even closer, basically until I was dangling.

I closed my eyes before letting go of the edge, falling to the ground.

"Shit" I loudly whispered.

I stood up and dusting my pants off. I quickly grabbed my things and ran down the block.

Man was it dark out.

As I reached the stop sign I saw orange lights, meaning it was Matt's truck.

I rush across the street and open the truck door. James hops out.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey." He says back. He grabs my things and puts them in the back for me. "Thanks bro." I said getting inside the truck. "You're welcome." He says getting in after me, shutting the door.

"Hey Matty." I say grabbing his arm. "Hey Alexandra." He says starting the car.

I roll my eyes "I told you, call me Alex." I said getting the map out. "I told you, call me Matt." He says making me punch his shoulder.

"Those the directions?" James asks. I nodded "Okay, it's says take a right- So Matt told me you found a charm in the box that FQ sent to you. Why a charm?" James completely cuts me off.

I look at him "I don't know James, okay enough about the charm. Anyway, take a right up here Matt." I say. Matt does as told.

Skipping the rest of the drive

"You are now entering Mystic Falls." James says in a creepy tone.

I lift my head up from his shoulder and check the time. 2 am.

"Wow, we've been driving a while." I state. Matt yawns "Yeah... I just wanna sleep now." He says.

Me and James look at each other before turning to Matt.

"Okay, dude, you need to pull over and let one of us drive." James says. I nodded while Matt started laughing.

"Guys, I'm fine. We're here anyway. Okay directions to the motel please." Matt says.

I get the map out "I need light" I say. James turns his phone light on.

I scrunch my eyebrows "Okay, we've entered already. Take a left... at the Don Jons Store." I say.

"Easy." Matt says turning the steering wheel.

"And after you take a left, stop, look both ways and keep straight." James states, making me roll my eyes.

"Okay, easy." James says... again.

"I'm so happy this is such a new experience for us." I say with a smile. James nods "Yeah this is gonna be pretty fun and- BUMP!

I scream as the truck swerved on the road. "Oh my gosh! Stop! Stop the truck!" I shout.

"I'm trying!" Matt yells while pushing the breaks.

I mean the car is still going.

I hook onto James's arm and huddle close to him.

Really? Why this?!

Matt forcefully turned the steering wheel to the right. "No!" James shouts. After James shouted, my body leaned forward and slammed against the dashboard.

Everything was still and quiet. We must've ran off the road.

I heard heavy breathing and some groaning.

"Is everyone okay?" Matt asks, it was barely audible.

I just clutched onto my stomach and started hyperventilating.

"Alex calm down." James says. "I can't."

I begin to cry. "Okay, everyone out of the truck." Matt states.


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