Chapter 5

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A new found determination set there pace as they pushed forward towards land. Aelin was close and they would find her.

Elide stood over a map of Erelia, Rowan on her right and Gavriel on her left. They had been going over the plan for and hour now so that every step was implanted into her brain.

They were to approach the mountain range they had deduced as Aelins position from the side where the Bush was thicker. Rowan, in hawk form, had determined that there were 30 guards scattered throughout the Ferian gap, positioned in an order made to confuse any approaching parties. Rowan, being the centuries old warrior that he was had spotted what they were guarding. It was an fort made entirely of Iron. There was only one entry point and that seemed bolted shut.

"Elide are you listening to me? I said do you understand?" She snapped out of her haze and glared daggers at Lorcan.

"I understand." She said, hardness coating her voice.

He seemed to relax a little at her addressing him directly and not skirting him as she had been since Ellywe.

What did she care about him anyway? He was the traitor here. She shouldn't trust or love him. She should hate him with all her heart. But she couldn't.

All the shouting and pushing him away had been an act, not made to fool him but formed to defend herself against the will of her heart. Her soul.

She still remembered that night in the wastes. Still remembered the taste of his lips on hers and how his strong arms had cradled her. She remembered him bracing her leg with magic even though he had almost burnt himself out.

She had to turn away to hid the blush rising in her cheeks.


Rowans heart pounded in his chest. They were close to his queen. So close.

Every so often, he would reach into himself, so far that he could not hear the world around him, and tug on that bond that tied her to him. Their mating bond. He just hoped that she could feel it and knew that he was coming for her. That he hadn't given up and that he loved her.

She had once told Darrow that the world will be saved and remade by dreamers and if it was his job to carry out that dream, he would not stop until her dream was fulfilled.

The boat they were on neared the land and everyone got in positions, they were to end this tonight.


Maeve grabbed the baby from its cot and rocked it. Gods who knew baby's could be so tiring. She had a good mind just to pass the responsibility to one of her Cadre as the bitch princess liked to call it. Not Cairn, he was to cold hearted. She needed someone who she knew would care for this new member of her family.

Fenrys. She would make this problem his. The only downside there, he would no longer be her warrior but father to this retched creature. She could live with that.

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