Chapter 20

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There was not enough air in the world as they ran. The ground beneath her feet became a blur of brown and green. She could smell the plethora of moss and fresh air as her fae legs carried her away from hell.

Rowan was beside her, a smile on his face. He never stopped looking at her, as if he thought as soon as he took his eyes off her, she would vanish as if she was never even there. He seemed clumsy in away, remembering to look ahead of him only when he went slightly to close to a tree. They could hear the screams of a defeated queen echoing from behind them, but all it did was set their hearts running.

Aelin swore to Mala Firebringer herself that they would never be separated again.

They entered to line of trees, the end of the stone streets of Dorenelle, and Aelin froze as if paralysed.

"What is it Aelin?" Rowan queried, wiping the swear from his forehead.

"Lorcan, I heard Connall say that they had him. We can't just leave him there."

At this, Rowan smirk.

"He's already out, he's the reason I knew where to find you. I asked him to wait at the entrance to Mistward for us."

Aelin almost collapsed at the thought of the tower that had been her home for the months when she had been broken and beaten, the months she had forged herself anew from the flames of a dying sun. Her mate was so, so clever.

"I love you." She said, breathlessly

"I love you too."

They eat off running again, the burning in her legs her motivation to move quicker. Strands of sunlight pierced the thick canopy and she was reminded of how beautiful the world could be, of what she had to loose if she lost this war.

As soon as they saw the grey arch that marked the entrance, Aelin slowed, her breathing ragged and weighted. Rowan matched her pace, his own breathing off beat.

The air in her lungs burned as she gulped down waves of it. She wouldn't be sick, she promised herself, but her body had other ideas, and soon she was heaving, hands on her stomach and Rowan at her back, holding her hair. Tears streamed down her face as she stood again, almost too weak to walk, and staggered into her husband's open arms.

They were warm and strong, her constant reminder that he was real, he was here, he had come for her. She didn't even notice when thy passed through the doors of the fortress, Lorcan smiling at the two, and into a warm room, one that smelled of cooking food and happy memories. She heard a familiar voice to the right of her as she was set down, it was one that brought back memories of mornings in the kitchen, feasting herself whenever possible.


"What happened, it looks like she hasn't eaten or had a shower in months."

"Well that's true, but we need to get something in her stomach, I'll give her a shower after."

Emrys hummed in acknowledgment and she could hear the clattering as the old man rushed to prepare something. Soon, a warm smell wafted in front of her and she opened her eyes to a platter of her favourite foods spread out in front of her. She smiled weakly and shoved the food into her mouth, not caring if too much food after malnourishion would make her sick.

She was halfway through her meal, Rowan now munching in whatever was left on the table, when a pair of young legs came racing into the room.

"Emrys, Malcolm won't let me test out his bow and arrow. He keeps saying imbtoo clumsy and I'd end up hurting myself."

Aelin smiled at this.

"I think Malcolm is right, you are extremely clumsy."

Lucas eyes widened, meeting the queen's and quickly running up to her, squealing as he embraced her in a bone (666th word lol) crushing hug.

"Careful Luca, you're going to break me."

"Sorry, sorry, but why are you here?!?"

"Long story, but I'm going to take a shower now, I'll catch you up on the story tomorrow mkay?"

"Okay, I'm so happy to see you again."

"So am I."

She side hugged him again and then glanced up at Rowan. As if he had read her mind, he picked her up bridle style and carried her to the baths. Soon she was stripped and sinking into the lucious
Waters, inhaling the calming scent of Lavender and Cinnamon, her favourite.

She heard a disturbance in the water and opened her eyes to see Rowan sinking into the bath opposite her. She smirked at him, her mind replaying the scene at Roland's island. She still had a mark on her chest where he had claimed her. Just thinking it made a pool of warm grow in her core. Rowan sensed the change in mood and snarled.

"Not now Aelin, you look so exhausted, I don't think you would stand one round. And I plan on taking my time with you."

She smiled and moved over to him, straddling him. She sighed, he was here and she was still alive. They had made it out alive, and she was so greatful. She didn't know how long they sat there, staring into each others eyes, souls, saying all the things words had no power to convey. Rowan lent in, capturing her lips in a soft kiss. It was full of longing and lost time. One that could heal the pains suffered whilst they were apart.

They separated to breathe and for the first time in months, Aelin felt herself smile. The sight took Rowan by suprise and the only way he could convey his feeling as to kiss her again, this one full of lust and passion and love. Something she felt she'd never feel again.

They still had so much to deal with. A war too win, but in this moment, Aelin wasn't a queen, born to her throne, she was just a 20 year old girl, needing the warmth of her lover's touch.

Yay I finished it, I currently have 700 words of the next chapter done, nearly finished. I feel so productive right now. I still have to revise lol

Anyway see you all soon

~Your Horrible Author

P.S: this is so adorable, I just love Roaelin.

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