Chapter 1 - The Holiday

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**Niall's POV** 

I'm finally back at my hotel room, I'm just sitting on my bed staring at Lara's number, do I call her? Should I forget about the whole thing? Or should I at least text her? She seems really nice, and she's a nice friend to have, and I hope she feels the same, I really hope I wasn't rude to her while I was drunk. I go into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea just to try and get her out of my head. 

I sat on the coach with my cup of tea and turned on the TV.... gosh, she still hasn't left my mind, I should call her, I dial her number into my phone, still trying to convince myself that I don't care, but I really do, I press call and wait for her to answer, why is my heart beating this fast, I'm only calling someone? "Hello?" her voice sounds perfect, it makes me go numb and speechless, "Uhh, who is this?" she says with a confused tone, "Uh, yeah, sorry, it's me Niall, I told you I would call you later" I laugh, trying to make myself sound cool, "Oh yeah, hi, how are you?" "Yeah, I'm good, I was just wondering if you would like to do something tonight, or tomorrow if you are busy" "Yes I would love to do something, I'm not busy at all, we can do something tonight, what would you like to do?" she says sweetly, "Uh, we could hit the shops, have a bite to eat, and just chill" "Yeah, that sounds perfect" she confirms, "I'll pick you up around 6?" I ask, "Yes, see you then, bye!" "Bye." 

I'm really excited to see her again, she makes me feel complete, but not in the love way, she makes me feel like how the drugs that I used to take made me feel, there, I admit it, I once had a stage where I took drugs, because I was sick of people walking all over me, I needed something to make me happy, but ever since I've meet her, I feel so alive, I'm 100% off the drugs, but it's still nice to have that happy feeling, I love the feeling she gives me, it's like a pleasuring high going through my body, and the best bit is that she isn't an illegal drug, she's legal, and human. I put on a clean t-shirt, that is white with green sleeves and some skinny jeans, and of course my high tops I always wear, along with my favourite cologne that I always wear, Armani Mania, and off I went to pick up Lara.

I get a car park in front of her hotel and I run inside so the fans don't notice me, I go into the lift and press the button to go to the top floor, I knock on the door and her perfect smile is on her face as she looks at me, "Come in!" she says with a smile, "How are you?" I say politely, "Yeah I'm good" she says walking me over to the coach, she looks so perfect wearing her black shorts, with a white baggy top tucked in, with a creamy, but baggy cardigan over top, but those shorts are really shaping out her ass, "Nice ass" I say accidentally, I put my hand over my mouth in shock, "What?" she said with a confused face, "I said, nice night we're having" I say, trying to cover up my rudeness, "Oh, haha yeah, should we go now?" she said awkwardly, "Yeah.." I don't want to say another thing like that to her again. 

We're walking through the mall and I'm hoping people wont notice me, "What should we say if the media says we're dating? Like is this a date, or what?" she asks, "We wont say anything, it's none of their business, we're just two friends hanging out" I say with a smile hoping she wont get offended in any way, she just smiles back in reply. 

She drags me into some shops and looks through the clothes, "This is so pretty" she says showing me this singlet with a figure 8 on it with the words 'Forever Young' on it, "I'll buy it for you" I say uncontrollably, "No, I didn't mean it like that" she says nervously, "No, I want to buy it for you, a friend to a friend" I smile at her.

**Lara's POV**

As we wait to get served to buy this top, since Niall kindly offered to buy it for me, he starts to say naughty things about the girls walking past, "Look at the ass on that" he says, looking at this girl who looks my age, I really want to just leave this shop now. Finally, "Is this all you want for today?" the lady said politely, "No, we want to buy the whole shop, yeah of course we just want that, that's why it's on the counter" Niall commented, "Niall!" I say in shock, "Sorry" he apologizes. As we walk out the shop, he pinches the girl he commented about for having a 'nice ass' on her ass, "You have a lovely ass" he whispers in her ear, I didn't say anything, I just pretended like I didn't hear anything.

We go to Nando's for dinner, and no, not because it's his favourite, I actually used to go there all the time with my family when I was in New Zealand, I love Nando's. As we wait for our food to arrive, we talk, "So do you want to go to the cinemas tonight?" he asks, "Yeah, sure." 

After we finished our delicious food, he walks me to the cinemas, and I was in shock, because it was so pretty, and it was outdoors, with some blue pillows to sit on and also a little fountain with pretty fish inside. We sit next to each other and we were just in time for the movie as it's just about to start. The movie was called 'Life As We Know It' which is a movie I've already seen, but I don't care to be honest. Awkwardly, a kissing scene comes on, and all the couples are kissing along, I wouln't be surprised if that couple that sat next to me on the plane was here snogging it out. Niall and I just look at each other and he gave me an awkward smirk. I just blush. Oh gosh. I can't wait for the scene to be over.

Finally the movie is over and we're in the car, "Do you want me to drop off my car at my hotel, and then we can go for a little walk?" he asks, "Yeah, a walk would be nice" I smile. We start to walk along this field that has some trees around a lake, how pretty. "So, we should get to know a little more about each other, shouldn't we" Niall says, "Yeah, any secretes? I'll tell you mine if you go first" I say cheekily, "Well, you might hate me, but earlier last year, I took some drugs, because I was sick of people always making me feel shit" he says while looking at the ground in shame, "No, I don't hate you, I could tell that something was different about you, as long as you're not on them now is all that matters" I say with a smile, "Now, you need to tell me your secretes!" Niall laughs, "Yeah, well, this isn't like a huge secrete, but the reason why my friend gave me this prize is to let go of my past" I say sadly, "What was your past?" he says worriedly, "Well, it was nothing life threatening, but at school I got badly teased by this group of boys, and I got teased for liking One Direction, and don't think I'm creepy or anything, but also you, and other fans would hate on me for liking 'their Niall' but please don't think I'm weird, it was a long time ago" I say, "Oh, yeah, don't worry, and I'll try and help you with that mission, don't worry about that, guys are just stupid, and I would know, I wish I was there to support you" he says like he's disappointed in himself, "But you were, you were miles away, but you were the reason I had a smile on my face" I say hoping he doesn't think I'm a creep, he grabs my arm and pulls me in for a hug, "You are a beautiful young lady, you are talented and don't let those fuckers get to you, you're much better than them" he says looking deeply into my eyes. He makes me want to fly, that's how happy he makes me feel.

We walk home and it's really late, so he offers me to stay the night, "Here are some of my clothes that you can wear" he says while passing the clothes. I got changed in his bathroom and got ready for bed and got into his bed, he was already changed and in the bed. His lamp next to him was still on, and he was leaning on his arm, I turned my body around to face him, "What?" I questioned, "Nothing, it's just that, you're so beautiful" I didn't say anything, I just put my hand on his cheek and he leans in to kiss me, as our lips reached, my heart felt like it stopped, this was my first meaningful kiss, he put his tongue in my mouth, and to be honest, I couldn't be happier, he was so warm, and the sound of him breathing was so peaceful, but suddenly I stop it, "Sorry, I'll just go and sleep on the coach" I say in a hurry, but before I could leave, he grabbed my arm, "No, I want you to stay with me, please stay" he says in his cute Irish accent, making me feel warm and hopeless inside. We didn't say anything, he just held me tight as I slowly fell asleep. I've fallen for him so hard, I thought I loved him enough, but this has made me bring down my walls for love. I love him, actually, I'm deeply in love with him, and none of this was in my control.

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