Chapter 5 - Near to death.

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**Lara's POV**

I have no energy, I'm so hungry, but I can't lift myself to walk, I can't see, because my eyes wont open, I know I'm dying. I will never be able to see Niall's face again, or see Rosie, or Jennifer. I never thought this would be the way I die, so cold and heartless. I know Niall was an ass to me, but I can't even say how much I wish he was here with me, to be able to spend my last few hours with me. To just die in his arms. 

All of a sudden I hear these voices, they're yelling...but I can't understand them. I try to yell back to get there attention, but I don't have the strength to move, talk or even open my eyes. I can hear the sound of the crunch when they walk, and I know they're getting close, because the sound is getting louder. I can feel someone holding my hand, and talking into, what I call, a 'walky talky' it must be a policeman.

"Lara Truter, nineteen, found, over" the officer said into his little machine. He picks me up, I can feel it, but my skin also feels numb. "LARA!" I hear an Irish accent, and I know it's Niall, "Is she going to be okay? Is she even alive?" I hear him ask the man, "Niall, mate, I can't say anything, all I know is that we need to get her some medical attention, and fast" "Well, I'll call for an ambulance" I hear Niall say in panic. "Mhhh, Ni-" I try to call for him, but I said it so softly and weakly, that I struggled to hear in myself. I feel myself weaken, more than before, every sound I could hear around me vanish, I can only hear myself think. Am I dead? 

**Niall's POV**

The ambulance arrived. I'm such an idiot. I watch them rush towards Lara, and I can tell they're worried, "Mr Horan, please take a seat, don't worry" the female paramedic told me, I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was worried about Lara not being able to make it, "No! I wont sit down until you tell me what's wrong with her" I demand. I feel my eyes start to water, but I fight the tears back, "Well, right know we're struggling to find Miss Truters pulse" she says softly. I could feel my heart sink and my stomach drop, I could be the reason why Lara dies, and I'll never be able to tell her about my true feelings I have for her. 

The policemen puts his hand on my shoulder, "If she doesn't make it, just remember that you tried" I just fall to the ground and cry, "If she doesn't make it, I'll be living with guilt, and most importantly, without Lara" "Mate, I'm gonna take you home, have some rest, she's in good hands, they will do everything they can"

I sob the whole drive home, "Do you want something to eat? I can go through some dive through" "I'm not hungry" I whisper.

I go into my hotel room, and I just flop onto my bed. I scream into my pillow. This is hurting me so much.


"We can't get a pulse, give her another shock" says one of the paramedics, "That's it, she's slowly coming back to us now, hang in there Miss, we're doing the best we can" 


I clean myself up, I just finished vomiting for the fourth time, I feel so sick and nervous. I'm going to go to bed now, I need to get my mind off this. 


I wake up to my phone ringing, "Uh, hello?" I say with my morning voice, "Hello, we would like to inform you that we have got Miss Truter's pulse back, you are allowed to visit her" "THANK YOU! thank you so very much, I'll come down now!" I'm smiling so much, my mouth is hurting. I zoom down to the hospital and rush to Lara's room, I see her there, peacefully, I grab a chair, and sit next to Lara's bed, I hold her hand and give it a peck, I whisper to her. I see her phone starting to ring, Rosie, I answer it, "LARA, Jennifer just got up and left, she says she's sick of living here in England, she's sick of us, she wants her own life" she cries, "Uhh, it's Niall.." I say awkwardly, "Niall? as in Niall Horan?" I could tell she was embarrassed, "Uh, yeah, sorry I don't want to worry you, but Lara is in hospital" "WHAT, IN HOSPITAL? I'm coming over" "No, she's stable, you can stay in England" "No, I need to come over, and why wouldn't she tell me she was friends with you?" "Trust me love, she didn't have the time" "Oh, ew, don't tell me you were having sex? I'm like the ONLY nineteen -year-old virgin" I laugh, "Well okay, I'll see you when you get here, call Lara's phone and I'll be here to answer" "Okay, thanks, bye" "Bye." I then feel my phone viabrating in my pocket, it's Harry, "Hey, mate, how's it going?" "Yeah it's good, Im going to come over there for a holiday myself, i miss you brother" he says stupidly, making me laugh, "Well, that sounds good, I'll be in hospital, a friend is in hospital" "What friend?" he sounds concerned, "A lady friend?" he teases, "Uhh, haha, yeah, how did you know" "Ohhh, Niall and a bird, is she hot? Can't wait to meet her" we laugh, "Yeah, she's pretty hot aye, haha, her names Lara, her best friend, Rosie, I think it is, yeah, she's now coming over to see Lara, they both live in England too" "Oh, how nice, I hope this Rosie lady is hot as well, haha, K mate, I have to go" "k, See you when you get here"

**Lara's POV** 

I'm now hearing things again, what happened to me? Did I die? Am I dead? Am I going to heaven?

I open my eyes to the hospital's ceiling light. I'm not dead. I'm alive.

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