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So I snuck my phone back to write this...


'Good night Y/N,' Tae smiled, 'Have a good sleep because tomorrow I have a surprise for you.'

'Yeah me too,' I whispered.

Next morning

'Tae?' I called

'Tae where the hell are you!?' I half yelled. Ugh! Perhaps I should get my present for him now... I crept towards the Christmas tree where I kept it. I opened the pre-wrapped bow up and clambered inside and popped the lid on.

I waited and waited and waited then 'AHHHH!'

What the heck...

Something tumbled down the stairs.

'Y/N!' Tae gasped, 'Help me!'

I silently laughed at his clumsiness. 'Sorry I can't help you,' I whispered. He has to find me first. Hahahaha.

'Come on! I don't want to open these gifts alone!' He whined. His footsteps thudded against the dark wood floor and faded away. Then the footsteps returned feat. the sound of munching on chips.

'Y/N! Help me carry the gift now or I'll all your chips!' He shouted. Nope. I'm staying here. The time dragged by at an agonisingly slow rate as Tae munched away on his 37th? bag of chips?

'Ok I'm done eating. Since you won't come, I'll open the presents myself,' he whined. I could sense him pouting and fake crying.

He began to approach the tree. Then I heard him tearing away wrapping paper. I continued to wait until I felt the lid move. Tae lifted up the lid and I joyfully leapt out, embracing him and pulling him in for a kiss.

'Where's my gift?' I broke the kiss.

Tae puckered his lips and pointed to himself.



I gave him another kiss then he grabbed my hand and took me towards the front door.

'Put this on,' he handed me a red snow coat as he put his green coat on.

'Lets go!' He pulled me out the door and into the snow covered front garden. The fountain was frozen and icicles decorated the roof.

'Y/N, Wanna build a snow man/ fort?'

'Yeah of course,' I smiled back sweetly.

'Wait! I forgot the gloves!' Tae walked inside to fetch the gloves.

'Put your hands out,' he instructed. He slipped my right glove on, then the left. I felt some cold metal in one of the fingers ten pulled the glove off to reveal a simple ring encrusted with a (your fave colour) diamond. *

'Y/N, we've been in this relationship for 5 years now and a want to take it a step further. I really adore u. Will you marry me?'


Adore u hehehe

*diamond colours:
(From what I remember)

Merry Christmas! Have a great time celebrating the birth of Christ (not sure if you're a Christian but my family is) or celebrating with your family. Hope u have a great memorable time and God Bless!

Ji :))

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