Chapter 3: The Clique's Profile

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"Hey N, I just kicked out Finn from the clique I just heard what he did to u last night that was totes unforgivable. I love you."  Annie texted me. See not all mean girls that you see in the movies are mean and would kill you. Look at Annie. Anyways I replied with kiss emojis and turned off my phone.The truth about our clique is this... I could actually write an entire book of all the adventures and rules of our clique but anyways here we go.

Here are the list of members in our clique and their profiles

Annie Tess Stanley (G)

Known for: being the leader of the clique: Her family owns a company all about buildings: Brunette hair, green eyes, 5'5, with a body statistic of 33,24,33. She's absolutely perfect


-She's currently dating Edward and it seems like they're forever now. 

-Her main enemy is Bridget Monroe and it started in 2nd grade for stealing her crown because she win in a pageant. 

-hates beauty pageants

-secretly love playing video games

-would spend the day watching chick-flick movies

Nathalia Laurent (G)

Known for: Representing the class in public speaking: Good in essays and 2nd in their class: She's very intelligent except when it comes to Math: Her mom owns a fashion line Blonde hair, blue eyes, 5'6 with a body statistic of 34,24,34.


-Her ultimate best friend is Annie

-she refuses to model and continue her studies

-loves to go shopping

-does not know any sports

-She likes Charlie... hmm

Edward McClelland (B)

Known for: being a jock in high school probably always wearing a baseball cap. His family background is still unknown but rides a limo so they're rich. Light brown hair, brown eyes, 5'7.


-He's in a relationship with Annie Stanley and go their house every Friday night.

-Loves baseball and soccer.

-Most popular guy in the whole school

-Also love playing video games

-Owns a big collections of mini figurines of his favorite video game characters.

Mary-Ann Clarke (G)

Known for: her gum-smacking, dark skin and curly dark hair. Her family also owns a fashion line despite the competition of their family to Nathalia's family's business they are still friends. Loves to wear her own line in school which is indeed goals but she is a slut


-Slept with millions of guy and clearly do not have a serious boyfriend

-Loyal to the clique 

-Never underestimate her revenges.

-Loves chick-flick movies to

-Win figure skating awards

Wyatt Jerick Garrier (B)

Known for: being a basketball varsity player; His rich grandparents raised him; dark wavy hair, brown eyes, and he's a very tall guy 6'1


-He's gay

-He likes basketball because his dad who is dead used to play it.

-Buys girly things and pretend it's for her sister Brianna

-Owns loads of cars.

-He can sing but he ignored the fact

Tyler Lee Paxton (B)

Known for: playing the drums and joining the school band. Both of his parents are professional doctors; blonde hair but he dyed it with blue but it always depend on his mood.


-When he was a kid he used to be in a popular kids show but regret it

-Have a hidden tattoo on his bum

-Brings a lot of girls at his house when his parents aren't home

-He likes Mary-Ann but the feelings aren't mutual

-He secretly love watching sitcom

Kylie Traverson (G)

Known for: being rich probably the richest person in the whole school: She's probably the slowest in our clique yet the best undercover: red hair, green eyes, and freckles on her cheeks.


-traveled the whole world


-plan the best parties

-Loves horror movies

-loves animals

Finn Harry Mills (B)



From 8 to 7 members...

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