Chapter 8: Stop Look and Listen

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"Oh hey, Nathalia!" My grandmother, Emily open her arms wide open for a hug. Her auburn hair made her green eyes pop up even more. If granddad wasn't blonde I would doubt mom's adopted. If I can only hope. I hate to imagine how my grandparents blew off my mom when they knew she was pregnant at 16 and came back now that she have succeed. I didn't even open my arms to her she just straightly hugged me. I was going down the stairs to open the door for Charlie but then I saw them. "Growing up you're being more beautiful everyday." Granddad compliments. Mom sipped to her coffee. "Are you dating Nathalia?" Grandmother asked. "Yes she is in fact the guy is outside waiting." Mom said instead of me. I know mom's afraid of what words will come out of my mouth.

"Oh then let's meet the lucky guy." Granddad said pressing his hands together.

I didn't reply but instead I walk to the door and opened it and see Charlie. He was wearing his school uniform that made me rethink if today's a school day but today is Saturday... I stared at him and waited for him to talk. I can still remember Bridget's text replaying on my mind but he texted me just now that he's on my door waiting so here we are now faced to face. He's stone-faced. "Why are you wearing your school uniform?" I asked as I scratched my toes, I was wearing this cool Panda socks that Kylie gave me.

"I -uh didn't you receive Mr. Byers email?" He asked playing with the strap of his backpack.

"Like I check my email first thing in the morning." I replied seriously.

"Well, he actually told the three of us that we would have a meeting today at 11 am but since it's 12:30 I'm just gonna tell you everything he told us." He said checking his watch

"Come on in, by the way my grandparents are there so just ignore them and walk upstairs with me." I said as we walk in.

"B-but-" He tried to say but it's too late my grandparents already glowered at Charlie from head to toe. Charlie tried to be polite and wave at them smiling like the first day we met when we were 10. Grandma sighed and put her hand on his forehead while mom raised her eyebrows on me like warning me to run.

"Aren't you the kid my granddaughter used to play with?" Grandma asked.

"Yes, Madame." Charlie said which is annoyingly stupid.

"May I talk to Nathalia alone, Mister?" Granddad asked Charlie.

"Sure thing." Charlie said and when he were about to walk off I grabbed his hand and he stopped.

"I'm sorry granddad but me and my boyfriend have a lot of things to catch up on." I said. Just saying "my boyfriend" makes my heart melt. Me and Charlie went upstairs I can hear Charlie whispering to them saying "I'm sorry." I dragged him in my room and when I closed it. He dropped down my bed as if he's mad at me.

"Why on earth didn't you warn me?!" Charlie said and he sat up straight to look at me.

"Because it's not even a big deal." I said crossing my arms.

"It is a big deal! Now they have a bad impression on me!" Charlie said but he's keeping his voice down.

"Oh like you're my real boyfriend..." I whispered.

He shut his mouth and later on said "Alright so here's the thing that Mr. Byers told us..." I sat beside him on the edge of my bed hanging my feet back and fourth. Our skin was touching each other. "So he -uh..." He stuttered.

"Would you stop doing that?" Charlie suddenly said. His ears are so red. I stopped my feet from swinging and stared at him directly and unexpectedly he actually stared back at me as if he were looking right through my soul.

"So Mr. Byers told us to study more because it's going to be next week which is a lot of pressure cause you know you barely know anything about Alge-" He stopped and looked down. "Please stop doing that." He continued

"Doing what?" Now I'm annoyed at him. I'm not even doing anything.

"Biting your lip you're intimidating me..." He said

I smirked by the thought that he's intimidated by me.

"I'm sorry it's just..." Charlie said looking at my lips and then to my eyes. "I'm attracted to you."

As soon as he let out those word it's like my heart stopped beating and my world stopped turning. I didn't know what to say so I grabbed my jacket, ran out of my room ignoring my mom and grandparents and then ride to the elevator and ran out of the building. I rode a cab without even realizing I'm just wearing my socks with my jacket and pajamas.

"Where to Madame?" The driver asked.

"1136 Fifth Avenue, please." I replied.

The driver went off, I don't even have any money I guess I will just ask money from Annie when I got to her place. That's the only address that came to mind although I know she'll be leaving later at midnight to Italy with her mother. Just one last favor, Annie... I really need a friend.


"Miss Stanley, Nathalia is waiting for you outside should I let her in?" Darlene asked. She's our maid since I was still a baby. She's always loyal to me.

"What is she doing here at 8? She knows I have a flight to catch at 12." I said looking at my wrist watch. "Anyways let her in." I continued and I zipped my bag up. 

As soon as I saw Nathalia at my door frame. She looks in a hurry and frustrated all in all. "What happened to you, N?!" I said and I placed my hand on her shoulders.

"Can I have some bucks to pay the cab?" She said catching her breath. Her blonde hair was so messed up.

"Sure thing, N." I replied. "Darlene! Pay the cab!" I ordered and Darlene paid the cab.

"What happened?" I asked and we both sat down on my bed.

"I really need someone to talk to..." She whispered. She looked anxious. 

"What is it you want to talk about?" I asked as I fixed her tangled hair.

"There's this guy that I like and I think he likes me back..." Nathalia whispered. Her blue eyes looked so tired.

"Isn't that great?!" I replied "Who is this lucky charming guy?" I asked

"You don't have to know but... He said he's attracted to me." She said

When all of a sudden my mother went in finding her balance she might be drunk. She held up a bottle of champagne shaking it and then she noticed Nathalia.

"My beautiful Nathalia, give me a kiss." My mother said as Nathalia kissed her on her cheek.

"Do you want some champagne?" Mother asked.

"Mother, Nathalia doesn't drink!" I insist but it's too late mother was already filling up a cup and gave it to Nathalia.

"Some champagne cannot hurt me, A." Nathalia said and chugged the cup of champagne that my mother gave her.

"Do you want some more?" Mother asked. "You're young and free go ahead and drink some more!" Mom said

"Mother?!" I said but Nathalia continue to drink it. I can still remember Nathalia being drunk, she's the worst when she gets drunk! She's most likely to commit any felony.

"Oh no..." I whispered. Realizing who will drive her home and Nathalia's mother is too sensitive and Nathalia will be damned if her mom saw her acting like this. We're going to Italy later and I can't stay here and take care of her. 

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