Chapter 10: The Game Is On

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"I've read your essays last night, I must say I didn't expect some of you to be good at it. Some of you attained the level that I want." Ms. Grundy smack the board with her stick making us all jump from our seats. I looked at the back seat where Nathalia was sitting and gave her a look since Ms. Grundy mentioned the essay. She smiled at me as if I owed her for writing my essay. It's been a week since she puked all over my room and we cleaned it the whole day and until now it still smells like her puke all over my room.

"CHARLIE!" Ms. Grundy said making me snap and look at the board. She must be mad at me for not listening to her but then she smiled and said "You have the best essay this month and I'm surprised, and you astonish me with your sense of writing." Ms. Grundy moves towards me and started to distribute the essay paper. When I got the paper I got an "A+" and a smiley face meaning she loved it. "Great work Charlie, you're a genius." Ms. Grundy whispered and pat my shoulder with her stick. Ms. Grundy then distributed the paper to Nathalia and she was shocked and put her hands on her chest like she's some sort of trouble. "What'd you get?" I asked mouthing the words for Nathalia. "I got an A without smiley faces!" She whispered that made Ms. Grundy hear it. Ms. Grundy pushed her glasses to straighten it on the bridge of her nose. "Try harder." Ms. Grundy said. 

The bell rang and we all went outside. I searched for Nathalia but then I see her talking with Mary-Ann. When they finished talking she catches my eye and she put her arms on her waist "Unbelievable!" She muttered smiling.

"I got an A+ with a smiley face." I said showing her the paper.

"Hm, The writer must be a pro." She said moving forward and then she fixed my collar that made the tips of her fingers touch my neck. I looked at her  knowing that she actually wrote this essay. She's just ethereally beautiful that sometimes makes me wonder where did she got  her genes? 

"I can't believe it." I said. I don't even know where I meant to say that. Maybe I can't believe that she's just down-to-earth and beautiful and maybe that I got an A+ from English.

"Better believe it... and the Math thingy is 2 days away." She said changing the topic as she saw Mary-Ann looking at us. She moved backward and she seems so uncomfortable with Mary-Ann looking.

"Sure I'll come to your place later." I said

"Aw, before I forget I'll be having a party with my friends later in my house I'm afraid we can't do it but maybe you can come and after that will do the tutoring."  She said smiling.

"I'll go straight to your house after school I can drive you home if you want." I offered.

"I'm sorry but me and Mary-Ann will go somewhere." She said

I looked to my right and see Mary-Ann making out with a guy.

"Why are you even friends with her?" I whispered but then she heard me.

"Charlie, of course she's my friend you just haven't see the other side of her." She said smiling but I can see she's somehow pissed at me.

"How about you why are you even friends with Bridget?" She continued as she see Bridget walking towards our direction.

"I -uh... You know..." I stuttered but then Mary-Ann pulled Nathalia away from me having Bridget a chance to talk to me.

"Hey, what was the text all about?" Bridget said as my eyes followed Nathalia as she disappeared from the hallway with Mary-Ann. Then I realized Bridget is standing next to me with her curly hair standing out.

"I said you need to find another partner!" I said and then I tried to walk away.

"Charlie, you're my key to their world!" She said and then she moves towards me and whispered, "To Annie's world."

"I can't do that anymore." I said to her as I tried to ran away from her but she grabbed my arm.

"Oh just because you're now involved with their exclusive parties doesn't mean you can't help me, I'm your sister Charlie." She said but she almost said it as a whisper.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2017 ⏰

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