Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey guys, this is the first story I've posted anywhere so please be nice and give feedback. In this story they will be going back to hogwarts to finish up their 7th year. Also Professor Mcgonagall is now the headmistress. I didn't make any of these characters, the credit goes to J.K Rowling. Go read the book series Harry Potter or watch the movies, This story is based off of the movies because I haven't read all of the books, oops. (P.S Lavender Brown is still alive in this story.)

After the war Ron and Hermione got together. They have been together for three months. Hermione now lives at the burrow where Ron lives because she obliviated her parents so they wouldn't be killed, She sent them to australia to live happily.

Hermione was just sitting on her bed reading a muggle book when Molly called all of us downstairs. Hermione put down her book and walked downstairs. When she got there Molly had a handful of letters. Each of the letters had our names on it. Molly passed the letters to everyone. "It's from Hogwarts!" Hermione squealed.


Hermione Jean Granger

We are pleased to inform you
that you have been accepted at hogwarts for you 7th year.

Due to the war nobody got to finish their 7th year
so we are allowing everyone to come back to
Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

Also we are pleased to inform you have been chose to be Head Girl.
Your badge is in the envelope

I hope to see you at Hogwarts on september 1st.
Professor Mcgonagall.


"We get to go back to Hogwarts." Ginny said with huge grin.

"I'm Head Girl!" Hermione said excitedly while walking to Ginny to show her the Badge.

"I'm so proud of you!" She hugged Hermione with a back-breaking hug. She let go of Hermione so that her brother Ron and boyfriend Harry could hug her too.

Just like Ginny they gave her a hug that was back-breaking. "Congratulations 'Mione" Ron didn't even say anything and he had a fake smile on. Hermione just shrugged it off.

Hermione looked at the letter again and she saw 'september 1st' "wait what is the date today?"

"Umm... I think it's august 29th." Harry said unsure.

"We need to go to diagon alley now, we only have a few days until we go back to Hogwarts!" Hermione yelled not out of anger, out of scaredness.

"Well we better use Floo powder." Molly suggested. "Oh and remember harry, Speak Up."

Harry laughed barely audible.

Hermione went first, She grabbed the floo powder then said loud and clear. "Diagon Alley!" she then disappeared and appeared in Diagon Alley. As she was waiting for the others to appear. She heard footsteps and turned only to see Draco Malfoy.

He stopped right before Hermione and said"Hello Granger" in a somewhat kind voice.

Hermione was kind of confused at the kindness in his voice but she shook it off and said "What do you want malfoy." pretty harsh voice.

"What am I not allowed to be here?"

Hermione glared at him and said "It's just odd that you're here talking to me," Her tone changed when she said "the filthy little mudblood that you bullied all throughout school. The know-it-all bookworm that stays in the library reading and reading." Tears were threatening to escape her eyes but she didn't let them.

"Don't call yourself a mudblood." He said as he stepped closer to her.

Hermione couldn't stop her tears barreling down her face as she yelled and stepped back "I have the scar to prove it!" She pulled up her sleeve and showed her arm. Her scar that said mudblood.

Draco remembered when his aunt tortured her and he just stayed and watched. How badly he wanted to hex his aunt but he didn't because she would have killed him and his family. Draco looked at the scar and said again "Don't call yourself a mudblood."

Hermione stopped crying as hard as she was before and pulled her sleeve back down to cover her scar. She then said "i'm sorry i'm just a little stressed right now."

"You don't need to be sorry." He said comfortingly.

"Thanks malfoy." she said as she wiped the tears from her face. Her eyes were still red and puffy so she used a spell to cover it up.

Just then Ron appeared then Harry, Ginny and then lastly Molly. "I'm sorry it took us so long we spilled the powder and then had to clean it up but it didn't work so we had to find Molly's other bowl of it." Harry explained

"That's okay." Hermione said and smiled.

Just then Ron noticed Draco and said loudly "What are you doing here ferret?"

Draco said coolly "I'm here to school supplies for Hogwarts. I suppose that's what you're here for."

Ron didn't answer he just turned around and walked away. The others followed. Hermione gave draco a smile and mouthed the word 'thanks' and followed the others.
A/N I'm sorry this chapter is kind of short my other chapters will be longer I Promise. I hope you liked it.

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