Chapter 11

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You will understand what this picture is at the end of this chapter.


Chapter 11

Hermione's POV

I sat against the dungeon walls and stared. I stared at Ron then Harry, and then Draco. I kept doing that until I heard a moan. Then I saw Ron stirring I stood up and got out my wand just in case. He got up slowly and was coughing from the dust. He brushed himself off and then looked up. He saw me, smiled and said "Hermione,"

I was so confused. We haven't talked in forever, well since I yelled at him for cheating on me.

He took a step toward me and I pointed my wand at him. He looked shocked and confused. I looked over at Draco who was staring at Ron angrily. I looked back at Ron and said "..don't..come near me." I said pausing. Tears started welling up in my eyes and I knew I was going to cry.

Then I heard a voice in my head.

'Hermione why are you crying over Ron?' It said.

'What who is that?'

'It's me, well you.'


'You're talking to yourself Hermione. Now answer me, why are your crying over Ron?'

'I don't know.'

'Yes you do.'

'Fine. it's because... I still love him.'

Then the voice was gone and I let one tear fall down my cheek. "What's wrong Hermione?"

The sadness in my face turned to rage. "What's WRONG is you pretending like we are still friends. We stopped being friends when you cheated on me with lavender!" I yelled at him letting all my anger out.

"Hermione..." he said calmly "I promise, that I did not do that to you." I was so confused of course he did. I took a step closer to Ron still pointing my wand at him. "I was imperiused." He said. At first I believed it but then I thought he was just messing with me.

"Oh yeah sure. Because I will totally fall for that." I said sarcastically.

"Hermione, I promise. I don't remember cheating on you. It's the only explanation." i lowered my wand and looked at Draco, he was looking at me in a caring way and nodded.

I smiled at him and then looked at Ron and said "I believe you."

Harry's POV

I woke up on a very cold floor with three pairs of eyes staring at me with the same relieved look on the face.

"I'm glad you woke up, I was starting to think you were dead." Hermione said as she ran up and hugged me.

I hugged her back and when she let go i looked around for a bit until my eyes landed on the one and only Draco Malfoy. I glared at him then kept looking around. All i could see was rocks and the cement floor that just moments ago i woke up on. I looked back at Hermione said "where are we?"

"I don't know, just like you all of us woke up in here." Hermione answered. "Did you guys get a good look at who did this to us? I didn't see anything and neither did Draco.

"Wait, you call Malfoy, Draco?" I asked pointing to Malfoy confusedly.

"Yeah, about that." She said as she walked over to Draco who put an am around her shoulder. "He's my new boyfriend"

"What!" Ron shouted. "Why?"

"Because he's changed" Hermione answered looking up at Draco who smiled down at her.

"Changed" ron muttered. "I don't believe that for a second." he said and walked over to Hermione and Draco and pushed Draco down. I looked at Draco on the ground looking up at Ron. Ron looked as if he were a death eater himself. I've never seen Ron like this.

"Ronald Bilius Weasley!" Hermione said to Ron as She went over to Draco to help him up.

It seemed like Ron didn't like how she went over to Draco to help him. I saw his face get even more red and he started to walk over to them. I had to stop him. I got in front of Ron and stood in front of Hermione and Draco

"Harry, move" He said still looking behind me to Hermione and Draco.

"No" I said very direct. "This isn't you."

I stared at Ron who stared back at me. Then he stormed off to the other side of the dungeon and sat down against the rocks.

Draco's POV

After Weaselbee pushed me over i was about to get up and punch him right in the gut, but i didn't want Hermione to see that so i channeled my anger way down. Hermione taught me how to. She was seriously amazing.

When Hermione came over to me i was so happy i could fly. I looked at the red head and he started to come towards us but before he could hurt us, Potter got in the way. I was surprised. I never thought a day like this would come. Where i, holding Hermione was being 'protected' from Weasley by Harry Potter.

I went up to Potter after Weasley left. "Hey," i said "Thanks"

"Just to be clear. I wasn't protecting you, i was protecting Hermione." Potter stated as he walked away to go sit next to Weasley.

A/N I am so so so so so so so so sorry to keep you guys waiting. I hope that i can make it up to you by having this chapter at almost 1100 words long! Please accept my apology. I have been so busy lately, and just a few days ago i basically broke my pointer and middle fingers, so i only typed this chapter with one hand but i didn't want to keep you waiting any longer because the other chapter was... it was kinda, kind of a cliffhanger. Also oooh Hermione still loves Ron. What will happen? Will she go back to Ron? Will she stay with Draco? The questions are endless.... Actually they aren't, exactly. Anyways i Also found a new name/thing to call you guys. It is .. Pause for effect .. My Mistic fans. Yes i know i spelled Mystic as Mistic, there's no reason to it, i just think it looks better as Mistic and by a different spelling it makes it mine. I hope you guys like it and i should have my next chapter up in a week, and i am so so so sorry if it isn't. Until chapter 12, bye my Mistic fans! <3

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