Chapter 7

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My best friend drew this on her arm. Isn't it amazing?

Chapter 7
Draco Malfoy's

I was just sitting on my friend Blaise's bed in the dungeons thinking what Hermione will choose. Yes or no. Simple yet very very complicated. The voices in my head keep telling me 'why would she say yes to You?' 'You always teased her' 'you are a death eater.' "WAS a death eater." I yelled back in my mind. They must've left because I couldn't hear anything in return.

Why did they have to make the Slytherin common room in the dungeons. It's so cold every once in awhile.

Then I heard a tapping
'tap, tap, tap'
I went to the window, and there was an owl with some parchment in its beak. I slowly took the parchment out and unfolded it.

7 o'clock.

Hermione's POV

I cannot wait until Draco and I meet in the astronomy tower. I hope he comes. I could barely pay any attention to my classes. Me, not pay attention in class. Weird right.

At the astronomy tower...

I got to the astronomy tower at 6:45 because I didn't want it to seem like I was late. Also I couldn't wait any longer. I wanted to be with him. I don't know exactly when I started liking him but I know that I do now.

I keep checking my watch to see how long it is until he should come. I looked at my watch once again and it read 6:59. One more minute. He better be coming. 'What if he doesn't come?' I thought.

Just then she heard the door creak open. She turned and saw Draco staring back at her. It was awkward for a minute but the Draco asked "why did you want to meet here?"

I said very smoothly "because I finally have an answer for you." I could see his facial expressions change for a moment but then they went back to normal. After a long pause I said "I would love to be your girlfriend, Draco Malfoy."

His face lit up so bright it was brighter that the sun. I stepped closer to him and kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my waist. We finally pulled apart and I intertwined our fingers. Then walked to our heads common room together.

When we got there it was still only around 7:30 so I asked "hey do you want to play a game? It's only 7:30."

"Game? We're not 10 anymore." He said letting go of my hand and sitting on the couch.

"We don't have to be 10 to play a game."

"Fine, what's this 'game' you want to play." He asked

I went over to the couch and sat next to Draco. "We could play 20 Questions."

"What the bloody hell is that?"
"Oh right, it's basically where you ask a question and i answer, then i ask a question and you answer. It goes on until you ask 20 questions. Therefore the name 20 Questions. It's just a way to get to know each other better."

"Sure we can play that. Do you want me to go first or do you want to?" Draco asked

"I'll go, umm what's your favorite drink?"

"Firewhiskey." He answered almost right after i said it. "What's yours?"

"Butter beer. I've never actually had Firewhiskey."

"What!" Draco stood up from the couch and looked down at me. "You've never had Firewhiskey? You NEED to try it. I'm going to go get some." He said and left before i could say anything.

"Well that just happened."I was so shocked. I didn't know what to do, should i wait on the couch for him to come back or go into my room where my soft bed awaits... My bed it is.

I went over to my bed and i guess i was tired because right when i laid down i fell asleep.

I was out in the woods, alone. The wind was howling, then something in the distance. It was just a black figure. It kept coming closer. I started to get scared. i started backing up but found myself against a wall. Where did that wall come from? My heart started beating so fast. The figure came closer until she was a good yard away from Me. One step closer and I saw who it was, "Bellatrix?" I asked trying to hide the fear in my voice.

"Miss me?" Bellatrix said with her evil voice. "FILTHY LITTLE MUDBLOOD" She took out and started to trace my scar. Then she started to shake me. Why is she shaking me?

"AHH." i screamed as i woke up. I saw draco with a worried face.

"Whats wrong?" he asked scaredly.

"It's that stupid dream again." i said as i started to get up. "I'm ok now."

"Well that's good because... i got Firewhiskey." He said as he held up three bottles and sat on my bed.

"You seriously got Firewhiskey." I asked.

"Nope, i didn't." He said sarcastically. "Yes i did now are you going to try it or not?" He asked slightly tilting his head.

"Ugh... Fine i'll try it." I said finally.

"Yes. I'll go get the cups." He said excitedly.

"You do that." I don't really want to try it but i'm doing it for Draco.

"I'm back." He said.

"I see that." I said back to him smiling. He poured the Firewhiskey then gave one to me.

"Go on try it."

"I'm scared, i don't handle alcohol very well. Even if i have too much Butter Beer i get a little bit drunk."

"Just try it."

"Fine." i said then took a sip.

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