Chapter 3

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Please listen to this song it is amazing.

Chapter 3
At Hogwarts...

"Mr Malfoy, Ms Granger, I am very busy so I can't sort the first years into their houses, will you two do it for me?" Mcgonagall asked in a rush.

Without hesitation Hermione said "of course we will professor."

"Thank you, the first years will be arriving soon, when they arrive just tell them the four houses, then go into the great hall and call their names then put the hat on them. Okay?"

"Yes professor" is all Hermione said. Mcgonagall smiled at her then walked off

Hermione and Draco were near each other again. Their awkwardness came again. Then finally Draco spoke up.

"Granger, I wanted to... to apologize, to you." He said slowly

This caught Hermione off guard. 'Why was Malfoy apologizing?' Finally Hermione asked "for what?"

"Well... everything, the insults the glares at each other and lastly the day at Malfoy manor." He said the last part very slowly and quietly.

Hermione was frozen in shock. Why was malfoy apologizing for these things. "the day at Malfoy manor wasn't your fault."

"But it was my aunts"

"Can we just forget that day? Please..." Hermione said her voice getting louder.

"Okay" Draco said slowly "Here come the first years, you can talk to them."

"Why me?"

"You're better at talking to people." He stated

"Fine, Hello guys, today you will be sorted into your houses. The houses are... Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. Once you are sorted, go to your houses table. Let's go" she then turned around and opened the doors to the great hall. "Your turn Malfoy, just read their names and I will put the hat on their head" Hermione whispered Draco nodded.

After the sorting...

"UGH! I am so exhausted" Hermione said to herself as she fell onto her bed in her room. She didn't realize that she didn't shut her door and Draco heard her.

"Talk to yourself often?" Draco asked, scaring Hermione.

"I wasn't talking to myself I was just...umm.. erm.. I was just... saying how I felt, out loud... to nobody."

"So basically, talking to yourself" he said with a small laugh.

"Ugh." Draco laughed some more as he went to his room.

Hermione was so tired so she just fell right as her head hit the pillow.
Hermione was out in the woods. The wind was howling, then something in the distance. It was just a black figure. It kept coming closer. Hermione started to get scared. She started to back up but found herself against a wall. Hermione's heart was beating so fast she couldn't count the beats. The figure came closer until she was a good yard away from Hermione. One step closer and Hermione could see who it was, "Bellatrix?" Hermione questioned with fear in her voice.
"Miss me?" Bellatrix said with her evil voice. "FILTHY LITTLE MUDBLOOD" She took out a knife and started to trace Hermione's scar.

Hermione screamed as she woke up from the dream that she had almost every night. She sat up in her bed. She started to cry as she brought she legs against her chest. She was crying so hard that she was shaking.

Draco woke up and he heard something. It was coming from Hermione's room. He listened closer. He heard crying. He thought 'is Hermione crying?' He went to go check on her. He knocked n her door. She stopped crying and he heard shuffling. He opened the door and found Hermione pretending to be asleep. "Oh I guess she's asleep" he pretended to leave and close the door. Hermione bought it and sat up. She saw him and her eyes went wide.

"You didn't leave?" Hermione asked but it was more like a statement.

"Well.. uh... I heard you crying, are you okay?"

"I'm fine" but before she knew it she was crying.

"No your not" he said and went on her bed to comfort her. "Do you want to tell me what's wrong?"

"Well... it's not that big of a deal, but..." Hermione took a big breath. "Every night I have this dream.. about your aunt. She comes towards me, then she calls me a.. 'mudblood' and traces my scar with a knife." She could barely finish before crying again.

"I... uh, can I erm.. see it?"

"She what" she said Wiping her tear stained face.

"The scar?" He asked quietly. Hermione nodded and lifted her sleeve. Draco held her arm very carefully. His fingers traced over the scar while mumbling things to himself like ' it"s all my fault' and 'I hate my aunt' he gently let go of her arm and stared into her eyes. Her beautiful brown eyes were mesmerizing. He started to lean in. Their lips met. Draco and Hermione both felt an amazing tingling feeling all throughout their bodies.

Hermione finally pulled away. Both still staring into each other's eyes then Hermione asked "umm Draco I was wondering if you wanted to sleep with me. Not that way just, being in the same bed."

"Sure" Draco said smiling. His smile was amazing. He could light up the whole world if he would just smile more often.

And there you have it chapter 3. Again I'm sorry I didn't post for a while. I know this chapter isn't very long but Hermione and Draco kissed so that's pretty good. Until next time bye my lovilies <3

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