Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
Draco's POV

'I can't believe what Hermione did. I never thought she would be the kind of person to obliviate somebody. Especially in third year. She did punch me then but I never thought she would obliviate someone' I thought as i woke up.

I got dressed in my robes and went to Hermione's room and knocked on her door. No answer. I went in anyway. Nobody was there. It was only 5:00. She wouldn't be at class already. We still have an hour until we leave to go to clas. I know she likes to go to class early but and hour? That would be ridiculous. Oh well. Wait oh no i totally forgot, I have to shower.

I grabbed my towel from my room and opened the door to the shower. After I was all done i read a muggle book i found in hermione's room because i had nothing to do and i didn't feel like going to eat breakfast. At around 5:50 i went to classes. My first class was DADA. Me and Hermione had it together. When i got there i expected Hermione to be there but she wasn't. Where is she? I thought that she went to class at 5:00 because she wasn't in our common room.

I had to ask. I went up to the professor Flitwick and asked if he'd seen Hermione at all.

"No i haven't" said professor Flitwick.

"Thank you anyway" I said to be polite.

I had to go find her. I left the classroom and started to look. I went back to our common room to look for her. When i saw that she wasn't there I went to Headmistress Mcgonagall and asked for help.

"Professor." I said as I barged through the door out of breath.

"Yes Malfoy?" She said and looked at me.

"She's gone, she wasn't in our common room." I said as fast as i could so that we could hurry and find Hermione.

"Slow down. Who?" She asked urgently but comforting.

"Hermione, she's gone. Help me find her, get more people to look for Hermione."

"I will start looking right away." She said and i rushed out of the room to go find Potter. If i find Potter his friends should be with him.

I went back to DADA class because we had it with the Gryffindor's and i knew Potter would be there. For sure i looked in and i saw him sitting with his girlfriend. I cleared my throat and said "Excuse me but i need to see Potter and the Weasleys."

"Well if you need them, of course." He said. They started to walk towards me but so slow, Hurry up, i said in my mind.

They finally reached me and Potter said "What do you want Malfoy?"

All i said to them was "Hermione is missing."

We split up to look for for her.

I couldn't find her anywhere. I looked all around the castle. 'Where could she be?' I thought. Oh Hermione where could you be. Please be safe. Then i thought 'The astronomy tower.' I totally forgot to check there.

I ran as fast as i could to get to the astronomy tower. I really hope she is there.

When i arrived i was scared to open the door. If she wasn't there i don't know what i will do. I had to anyway. I opened the door very slowly. I went in and saw somebody looking out the window. "Hermione?" I asked taking a step closer "Hermione Is that yo-" Before i could finish someone from behind me covered my mouth and pulled me into darkness. I couldn't see a thing.

The person took their hand off my mouth and i shouted "What is this? What are you doing?"

They didn't answer i just heard footsteps come closer and then i got knocked out.

Mysterious POV

"My plan is in action. I have Hermione and Draco. Now i just need Potter, Weaslebee, Weaslette, Lovegood and Longbottom. Can't wait until i have them all." I said to myself.

"Excuse me." Came a voice.

"WHAT." I shouted.

"What do i do with our prisoners?"

"It's not my job. Just do whatever I don't care what you do just don't let them leave. Also Update on the Polyjuice potion"

"It's almost done. Just a few more days before we can use it."

"Good. Oh and If the prisoners do escape, you just wait." I said and used my most evil look.

"I understand." He said and left almost crying. I love scaring people. It's my favorite part of the day.

"Ohhh Potter, be careful. Your next. Hahahaha" I laughed the most evil laugh i have ever done. Revenge. Is. Sweet.

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