cry myself to sleep

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I didn't get much sleep last night.

I don't really remember my dreams or nightmares.

But last night, I had one of the worst dreams ever.

I'll tell you about it


Me and my brother were on our way back home from Baskin Robins, we always go there when I get home from school or finished with homework. It was normal. I was playing TØP on my phone through the AUX cord

We were at the stop light, and an ambulance drove by when it turned green, so we waited. When it passed, I happen to look out my window, and see my grandma. We called her Granny Pat.

But there's a few things wrong with that. One being she's been dead since I was 4. Two, she lived all the way in St. Louis. Three, she had a very depressing look on her face.

The next thing I know my brother had unbuckled his seatbelt and jumped over the center console and there was a collision.

A truck had ran into his side of the car. But he protected me. He chose to protect me over himself.

I'm going to be honest with you and say, this chapter is probably going to take the longest to write because of how shaky my hands are and I can't see anything.

But after we got hit. The truck ran into us with enough force to push us back a long way.

I managed to open my door and pull my brother out. He had a large piece of glass lodged in his head, but he was still alive, just barley hanging by a thread.

I wanted to wake up so bad.

I did all I could to keep him alive.

People were crowding around us and nobody did anything. People just stood there and watched or recorded. One person called 911. One

He grabbed my hand and said his last few sentences

He said Tell everyone thank you for all they've done for me. I need you to stay strong for me, Aniyah. Goodbye, buggs, I love you.

And then he was gone. He died in my arms.

The ambulance got there and they were trying to separate me from my brother's lifeless body.

But I wouldn't let go. I couldn't let go.

When the finally got us apart, I blacked out. I remember waking up in my dream and the doctors were doing something to my left side. There was lots of blood and I couldn't breathe. I was going in and out of consciousness and I finally arrived to the hospital. They put me to sleep.

I woke up again and I had on a cast for my left arm. I looked at the white board and I had 3 broken ribs and other medical stuff. But I also had multiple heart failures during the surgery and minor brain damage.

I live in a small town. Things get around quickly. The videos of me and my brother went viral. I got visited by the new and I had a press conference. Many of my family members visited me. Turns out a lot of people requested that my 2 favourite bands come visit me.

I remember waking up early one morning and Pentatonix was to my right Twenty Øne Piløts to my left.

That was supposed to be a happy day

But nothing lasts forever.

When they left a few hours later, nobody was in my room.

I couldn't think about life without my brother. It's impossible. There is no me without him. We've always been two of a kind. Aniyah and Nic.

My family calls us the "married couple" because we argue like one. We're best friends and he's always been there for me.

I remember pulling my IV cord and not long after, I was gone. I died. And I was happy for the first time.

Then I woke up.

And my brother wasn't there. He was at a friends house.

I texted him goodnight and he texted back.

I've never had something like this happen to me before.

But why Christmas Eve?

I just want everything to be done. No more pain. No more hurt. I just want it all to be gone.

I want to be gone.

And I got my wish.

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