Rushing to DADA and Hogsmeade

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yoyo I'm gonna die this story is killing me slowly. merry Christmas eve tho


Draco and Harry woke up together. Draco sat up and looked around. His eyes landed on Harry. He smiled, and leaned down to kiss him on the cheek. Harry stirred.

"Hey." Harry said. He started to rub his eyes a little. "What time is it?" He asked.

"I don't know. Hold on." Draco said. He though hard, and a clock appeared on the wall. Draco read it, and the realization set in.

"SHIT! We slept through all our classes! If we hurry we can make it to Defense!" Draco yelled alarmingly. He jumped out of the bed, and looked down at disgust. "Fuck, I need a shower." Draco said to himself. A shower popped out of nowhere.

Harry at this point, had jumped out of bed, and immediately started to throw on his uniform. Draco only managed to wash the most needed places, before jumping out, drying off, and throwing his uniform on. They both looked a mess running down the hall to get to Professor Lupin's class.

Just as they reached the classroom, Professor Lupin opened up the door. Without the sudden impact of trying to open the door, Harry and Draco fell into the classroom.

The classroom started to laugh at Harry and Draco, sprawled out on floor. Harry got up, and helped Draco up. Lupin closed the doors.

"You're lucky I heard you running down the hall, and decided to wait a minute for you to get here. Now sit down." Lupin said. Although he tried to keep a straight face, his mouth was curling upward in a forced down smile. Harry and Draco sat down, and class commenced.

"Alright, today we are going to talk about a very controversial spell. It can transfer one's soul to possesses another's body. I am not allowed, by the Ministry, to tell you the incantation or name, of this spell. But I am permitted to tell you; the signs that one has possessed themselves with another's soul, what the parameters are, and how to destroy the possessing soul." Lupin said.

Harry was really intrigued with that lesson. He was glad he come to class.

"Now the signs that someone is possessed willingly is the eyes and personality. The eyes are a gateway to the soul, so when another soul is taking over a body, the eyes will change to the eyes of the possessor. Lets say you have brown eyes, but a blue eyed soul is possessing you. You're eyes will become blue. The personality will change of course. The personality will be the one the possessor has. So if a genuinely nice person starts to act cold and psychotic, then that would be a contributing factor." Lupin said. Everyone was listening to him. It was probably the most interesting lesson they've gotten from him.

"Now, the parameters. To make a soul posses you, the body of the desired soul must be destroyed. Next, you must have the correct incantation. And lastly, the worst part, is you must bleed yourself out, within an inch of death. And with your last dying words, repeat the incantation. Many who try it don't even make it to the incantation because they would accidentally kill themselves too fast. Because of the set back, only a couple of people have managed to successfully complete it, but thankfully no one has used it for evil purposes. Overall, many who successfully completed it, wished to bring back a loved soul to live on through them. Even so, someone could still try to use it for evil. A couple of people were recorded dying, trying to bring back You-Know-Who after his defeat. Because of this, it has been outlawed." Lupin concluded.

Everyone wrote down their notes for the remainder of class, and started to pack up.

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Malfoy, please stay after class for a moment." Lupin asked. Harry and Draco finished packing up, and walked to the front of the classroom. Lupin waited for the rest of the students to leave, and then turned to the two.

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