The Funeral

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It was the day after Christmas day. The Weasley family, Draco and Narcissa Malfoy, Remus, Sirius, Dumbledore, Hermione, Ron, and Blaise all congregated around a coffin laid in the ground. Above it was a Tomb stone. It read;

Harry James-Lily Potter
July 31, 1980 ~ December 26, 1996
The first and only child
of Lily Potter and James Potter

Dumbledore did the honours of placing the dirt onto the coffin. Once the hole was filled, Draco stepped forward. Crying silently, he waved his wand over the dirt. A bed of Lilies erupted from the dirt, and bloomed.

No words were said. Just the sound of people sniffling, and soft crying.

After half an hour, everyone returned to the Black Manor.

Draco sat down in a sofa chair, and started to break down. Narcissa rubbed his back. She held a handkerchief over mouth to muffle his cries.

"I'm so sorry. This was all my fault." Narcissa said. Draco sniffed and stood up.

"No it's not, Mother." Draco reasoned. Narcissa shook her head.

"I tried to owl you. Tell you not to come home for Christmas Break. Not to bring Harry. But he would beat me when he knew my intentions. Knock me out and lock me in the bedroom." Narcissa said.

"Remus." Narcissa called.

"Yes?" Remus asked.

"About two months ago, Lucius did the 'Incantatio in Possessionem.' That was not Lucius, but in fact, the Dark Lord." Narcissa said. Remus and Arthur gasped.

"You mean to tell us that You-Know-Who is possessing Lucius?" Arthur said.

"How do you know about the spell?" Remus asked.

"In 85, it was a serious problem. So many people where attempting to bring back You-Know-Who. It was outrageous. Everyone in the Ministry was trying to eradicate it." Arthur answered.

"Wait, is that the illegal spell that you told us about in class." Hermione asked.

"That means that Voldemort has risen again. And there's no one to stop him." Sirius said. Draco looked over.

"I'll fucking stop the bastard. I'll kill him with my bare hands if need be." Draco said angrily. Narcissa tried to calm him down.

"I'll help you." Sirius said. He was seething on the inside. Ron walked over to the group.

"I'll do whatever I can." He said.

"So will I." Hermione said.

Everyone stepped forward, offering help.

"But do you think any one of us could shoot a killing curse? Without Harry, all we can do is fight back with his own spells." Remus said.

"I will shoot a killing curse at him until it kills me. I have no shame in killing him. It'll be like killing my father and the Dark Lord at the same time. And that just adds incentive." Draco said. Draco believed 100% in every word he uttered. He was force to be reckoned with. Sirius spoke up.

"If you're sure about it. I have an idea. But I will need everyone's help." Sirius said.

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