Christmas Eve and Misty Eyes

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I'm sorry ahead of time. I know I'm satan. ill be crying while I write this.


It was Christmas Eve, and Harry Potter was waiting for Draco Malfoy to pick him to go meet his parents. Harry was exceptionally nervous for multiple reasons. One being that he didn't completely trust Lucius, and another being that he'd been having more intense dreams about Lucius. Sirius walked down the stairs.

"Harry, I have something to give you." Sirius said. He handed Harry a ring. "This is a beacon disguised as a ring. Just put it on your thumb, and tap it on something wooden if something goes wrong, or you feel in danger. I trust Draco, but no so much Lucius. Be safe." Sirius informed. Harry took the ring and put it on his thumb.

"Thank you Sirius." Harry thanked. Draco then walked into the room through the floo.

"Are you ready?" Draco asked. Harry smiled and turned to Sirius.

"I should be back by 8 or 9. You'll know if anything happens." Harry said. The two said their goodbyes, and they walked into the floo.

When Harry and Draco arrived, Draco quickly cleaned Harry of the soot, and then himself.

"Father! Mother! Harry's here." Draco yelled. Lucius walked into the room, with Narcissa following. Lucius still had on his sunglasses.

"There you are. It's great to have you here on much better terms." Lucius said. He gave a toothy grin, and shook Harry's hand. Harry smiled awkwardly, and shook his hand back. Narcissa stepped forward.

"It's nice to have you over, Harry." Narcissa said. She looked sadly into Harry's eye, but she put on a smile. Harry noticed as well a small bruise on Narcissa's temple. Harry did say anything though.

"Please, sit down, will you." Lucius gestured to the seats. They sat on dark green sofas, with intricate silver and gold designs. A china tea set was laid out already on a Mahogony coffee table.

"Would any of you care for tea?" Narcissa asked. Everyone except for Lucius accepted.

"I already had a cup not too long ago, please, help yourself." Lucius excused himself. Narcissa poured Harry, Draco, and herself a cup of tea. Her hands were shaking the entire time.

She shakily handed Harry a cup of tea. He thanked her, but she just continued to pour Draco tea.

"Drink up." Lucius said. Everyone took a sip of their tea. It had a bitter taste. They all put the cups down on the table. Narcissa started to cry.

"I'm so sorry." She said. Harry and Draco were puzzled. Soon they felt a burning sensation in their throats. Harry started to cough. All of a sudden, Draco and Narcissa passed out. Harry looked at Lucius, and his sunglasses fell off. His eyes were bright red, with black slits as pupils. Harry fell over, but he managed to tap his ring on the table as he fell.

Sirius was drinking tea with Remus when his ring started to vibrate violently. Sirius looked to Remus.

"Harry's in trouble." Sirius said seriously. Remus placed his tea on the table, and quickly rung up all the Aurors at once.

"Harry Potter is in trouble! Go to the Malfoy manor at once!" Remus exclaimed. Both Sirius and Remus turned into a bright white mist, and flew out the window.

By the time, Sirius and Remus arrived at the Malfoy Manor, the other Aurors were waiting for them.

"Save Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy." Remus yelled to everyone.

All the Aurors flew through the windows. Inside they saw Draco and Narcissa sprawled out on the floor. Lucius was standing with a couple of hooded figures, and Bellatrix Lestrange. She was sitting on the floor, with Harry unconscious. She wrapped an arm around Harry's neck, and held her wand to him.

"Get any closer, and I'll inside out him!" She cackled. Lucius stood at the back of the room, while the hooded figures bared their wands in front of him.

Soon spells were being flashed across the room. Lucius and Bella were towards the back of the room.

Remus and Sirius were backing each other up. They fought Goyle and Crabbe together. Siriuis managed to knock them out. Remus had narrowly missed a flash of green light aimed to him. The spell hit the cabinet behind him, and reduced it to pieces.

Moody was fighting too many death eaters at once. They cornered him. Soon he was shot with a blast of green light. Alastor Moody was dead.

Tonks rushed over to a fallen Auror by the name of Grad. She checked his pulse. There was none.

Remus and Tonks ended up pairing together, and they took down 3 death eaters.

There were seven Aurors left. Then there were six. Then there were five. And then four.

Remus had knocked out the last of the death eaters. He looked around at who was standing. Sirius... Darlen... Rocky... Himself. Remus looked to the side. Tonks laid on the ground, and it seemed a bookcase had fallen over and crushed her from the waist down. She had a blank stare.

The last of the Aurors started to shoot spells at Lucius and Bellatrix. Lucius smirked and placed a barrier between them. Their spells were doing nothing.

All of a sudden, Dumbledore apperated into the room. Lucius's face dropped. He lowered his shield, and started to shoot at Dumbledore. Dumbedore looked at his wand. He wielded Voldemorts' wand with precision.

Lucius and Bellatrix tried to fight as well as they could, but there were so many.

The two started to back out of the room, but Lucius heard Bellatrix scream. He looked over, and she shriveled up, and exploded.

Molly Weasley and Arthur Weasley were behind Lucius, shooting spells. Lucius threw up a small shield for his back, but he knew he was beat. Lucius turned into a black mist, and busted out of the room through the ceiling.

Everyone stopped. Sirius ran to Narcissa and Draco. Molly and Arthur ran to Harry.

Rocky ran over to Narcissa and Draco. He waved his wand over them.

"Poison." He said to himself. He quickly looked through his pockets, and pulled out a Bezoar. He shoved it into Draco and Narcissa's mouths. He then ran over to Harry. Harry's eyes were open, but were misty in colour.

He shoved a Bezoar into Harry's mouth as well. Dumbledore rushed over to Harry. In the background, everyone heard Draco and Narcissa start to cough.

Remus ran to the two Malfoys, and helped them up. They both coughed up the Bezoar.

"What happened?" Draco asked. He looked around. His eyes landed on Harry. "Harry!" Draco yelled. He scrambled over to Harry, and grabbed his face.

"Harry. Harry!" He yelled. He smacked his face a little. "Wake up Harry! Please!" Draco cried out. Narcissa looked at Harry and Draco. Draco placed his fingers on Harry's artery.

Everyone waited in silence for Draco to say something. After a minute, Draco started to mumble to himself.

"No. No no no no no no. You're gonna be alright, Harry. Just move your heart. Please." Draco whispered to himself. He broke down on Harry's chest.

"NO! IT'S NOT FAIR! WHY!" Draco cried out. Dumbledore's eyes were dull. He couldn't feel Harry's magic force. Sirius fell down to his knees next to Harry.

"First James, then Lily. Now you. I failed to keep you safe." Sirius whispered. A tear fell down his face, and onto Harry's. Sirius placed his hands over Harry's eyes, and closed them. Molly was crying into Arthurs chest, while Arthur tried to comfort her. Remus fell down, crying. Even Dumbledore shed a tear.

"WHY!" Draco screamed out. "Why not me?!" He cried out.

Everyone was silent except for Draco and Molly's hysterics.

That night, the wizarding world lost their Chosen One.

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