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hi... hope you aren't mad at me. dont worry tho. good things are gonna come. very good things.

~Satan (Alex)

Molly and Arthur Weasley, Ginny, Ron, Fred, George, Hermione, Blaise, Draco and Narcissa Malfoy, Sirius, Remus, and Dumbledore were all in their positions.

Snape informed Dumbledore that Lucius was going to show up at the Ministry. Sirius devised a plan. All they need was for Voldemort to show up.

Draco sat on a bench inside the Ministry, watching the people walk around, traveling from Department to Department. No one knew what was about to happen.

High up, close to the ceiling of the Ministry, Blaise, Ginny, Ron, Fred, and George sat on brooms, hovering out of sight. Sirius, Molly, Arthur, Hermione, Narcissa, Remus, and Dumbledore spread out. They each occupied an office. They ducked out of view, but kept the window open. Draco stayed where he was, and waited for the commotion.

After an hour of waiting, a side of the Ministry's walls exploded, and people screamed. Lucius and a band of hooded death eaters started to shoot spells at all the bystanders.

The plan started.

Aurors rushed in to fight the death eaters. Everyone else stayed in their vantage points, and acted as snipers so they could get Voldemort alone. Draco hid behind a statue, and concentrated. Voldemort stood on top of the statue of Fudge, and watched the scene unfold. He didn't really participate in the action. He just watched it. Almost everyone had evacuated the Ministry expect for those fighting the death eaters. The numbers of the death eaters were being reduced quickly. It was now or never.

Dumbledore quickly shot down all the death eaters from his hide-away spot.

Voldemort was alone. Draco stepped out from behind the statue.

"Hey Voldemort! Over here!" Draco yelled. Voldemort turned around.

"How did you find out?" He yelled angrily. He disaperated from the statue to Draco, but at a distance.

"Mother knew the entire time." Draco answered. He gripped his wand firmly.

"So you're here to do what? Fight me? Kill me? Or maybe you wish to die. Die at my hands just like Harry did. Except it wasn't at my hands, but your mothers'. She was the one to put the poison in the tea. She even laced Harry's cup with cyanide to make sure he couldn't be brought back." Voldemort taunted. Draco's blood was boiling.

"I'm going to fucking murder you! You took away everything I loved! I was going to ask him to marry me!" Draco cried out. He pulled out a velvet green box, and opened it. Inside was a ring fashioned into a snake. Its eyes were emeralds, and the body was solid gold. He placed it back in his pocket

"Even though we hadn't been together for long, I know in my heart we were going to be together forever! Being with him was the first I was ever truly happy. AND YOU TOOK THAT AWAY FROM ME!" Draco yelled, enraged.

"NOW!" Draco yelled. That was the signal.

Everyone emerged from their hiding place, and they limited Lucius's body in an orb of blue light.

"Farewell Lucius! Farewell Voldemort!" Draco yelled. He braced himself.

"Avada Kedavra!" They both shot. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. It was not just Draco who shot the killing curse, but Voldemort as well. He was able to move his hand just enough to send the curse. Everyone watched helplessly.

The two flashes of green light flew right past each other, and hit their target. Draco and Voldemort were both thrown across the room. They were motionless.

Blaise nose-dived to the ground and hopped off his broom. He ran over to Draco, and kneeled down.

"Draco, mate. Wake up!" Blaise yelled. He smacked Draco's face, trying to wake him up. Blaise started to cry.

"First Harry. Now you. It can't be. It just can't!" Blaise cried out. Everyone finally arrived from their hiding spots.

Narcissa stood there, petrified. Dumbledore walked over to Draco, and kneeled down. Silently, he placed his hand over Draco's eyes, and closed them.

Sirius walked over to Draco's lifeless body. He pulled the ring from his pocket, and placed it on his ring finger, on his left hand. He stood back up.

"And to think. I could've had a son-in-law as well." Sirius said sadly. Aurors surrounded them to ascess the situation.

Hermione and Ron were crying, again, together. Molly and Arthur just watched blankly.

Draco Malfoy defeated Voldemort. But at the cost of his life.

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