Chapter 2

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Zayn sat at a corner table by himself for the majority of the day. He occupied his time with his drink or watching Liam interact with the other workers. Liam would drop by occasionally to land a kiss on his cheek. Sometimes it was a gentle rub of his neck to publicly claim ownership. Whatever it was, it kept all the other occupants away. Everyone was well aware that Zayn was his.

Liam mostly talked to Alex. Alex also has some of the club. Liam had a complaint about everything, whether it was about music, lighting, or portable fans. Liam meant it when he said he would protect his investment.

Alex was behind the bar, defending his actions when he handed Liam a drink. Liam was amused by Alex's safe ideas about running a club, but all his amusement was quickly washed away as Harry dashed by.

Liam scowled at the other man. His bouncy presence at his club was just a reminder that he was too weak to perform magic on him. Liam checked his watch and hissed at Alex,

"It's getting late. Shouldn't Harry be off by now?"

"Most people on the island enjoy a late dinner," Alex explained impatiently. "And most people only come to look at Harry."

Liam studied Harry for a moment. He supposed that a man of lesser taste might find him appealing. At the very least, Harry was a suitable option when no one else was available, but other than causing him annoyance, Harry wasn't worth any attention. Actually Liam just jealous because Harry had Zayn first. But he would never admit it.

"No," Liam slowly answered Alex as caught sight of Louis trailing close behind Harry. "They come for his little puppy dog."

Liam watched them both for a moment. Louis was a delectable conquest. He kept Liam occupied while he waited for Zayn. He wouldn't deny that it was pleasant experience to watch such a strong man squirm for his next hit of saint. He didn't understand why Harry didn't just give in and let Louis distract him from his troubles. He'd never have Zayn anyways. He might as well settle for second best.

Liam's entire body tensed as he saw Harry glancing at Zayn. His hand gripped the bar and he dug his claws into the counter. For a brief moment, Harry and Zayn made eye contact. It made his blood sizzle that either them thought they had the right to look at each other.

Liam stomped over towards Zayn. Harry immediately broke his gaze and returned his attention back to Louis. Liam grabbed Zayn to stand. Then he immediately began to caress his face and comb back his hair. He needed to rub in Harry's face what he could never have.

Zayn smiled at first, but he felt guilty enjoying Liam's tender touches in front of his friends. Liam was the enemy. He wasn't supposed to be enjoying himself.

Liam pressed his head close and nibbled at his ear. Zayn squirmed and laughed at first, then he retreated back a step.

"This was nice," Zayn stated enthusiastically. "I'm tired of being cooped up all day. I think the change in scenery did me well."

Liam continued to stroke his arm. "I'm glad you had fun, but we should head back. It's been a long day and I need my rest."

"Can't I just stay a little while longer?" Zayn pleaded. He knew Liam was weak to his attention, so he snaked an arm around his waist and drew him close. He then proceeded to nuzzle his hair against his cheek.

Liam moaned at the embrace. It was rare when Zayn indulged in public affection, but he was pleased that the raven-haired boy was openly displaying their love. "...I don't want you out when it gets dark."

"Please?" he asked with wide, brown eyes. "This is your club. I'm safe here."

Liam groaned when Zayn snuck a tongue between his parted lips. He knew that if he brought the restless raven-haired boy back home now, he'd never get any sleep. So, he'd let him burn some energy off now so they both could sleep soundlessly that night.

Liam slid his watch off his wrist and slipped it onto Zayn.

"The alarm is set for eight," Liam explained. "Head home then and don't keep me waiting."

"Got it," Zayn smiled in triumph.

"I own half this club. Don't embarrass me by making me have to drag you home."

"I said, I got it!" Zayn snapped. Now sufficiently annoyed, he hoped Liam would be asleep by time he got home so he could quickly seep more power away from him.

Liam left Zayn with one last kiss, then he hurriedly stomped his way towards Harry.

"You have the rest of the night off. Go home!" he hissed at Harry before finally disappearing.


"What's that asshole's problem?" Harry scowled. He knows Liam has half of the club, it means Liam is also his boss besides Alex, but he did not care, he ignores his orders frequently because Liam is the one who took Zayn away from him. He never get fired anyway even he never respect him.

Louis simply shrugged. "I don't know. You just rub him the wrong way, I guess."

"I rub him the wrong way!"

Louis shrugged again. "I've hung around Liam long enough to know that he won't bother you if you don't bother him."

Harry lifted a brow then asked heatedly, "Just how often do you hang with him?"

Louis paused momentarily, then immediately decided that was not a conversation he wanted to have with Harry. Instead of responding, he shoved his hands inside his pockets and walked away.

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