Life's Curve Ball

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Life’s Curve Ball


Chapter 1

“Good evening ladies! A table for four this evening and will that be smoking or non-smoking for you?” The host at the door of the most popular bar in the city asked us.

“Non-smoking please and if there are any tables outside that would be great” Melanie said to him. “We are rather busy tonight but let me have a look to see if there is anything for you ladies outside” he left only to return a minute later advising that there unfortunately was no tables available only inside.

We were led by the host past many tables and people out having a good time just like we intended to do tonight. After all it was a Friday night and a public holiday celebrating woman so why not party hard. The host climbed a few stairs and motioned us over to a booth that would easily hold us all comfortably for the evening.

Once seated the host placed drinks & food menus before us. “Ladies I will send a waiter to get your drinks order from you shortly. May you have a wonderful evening with us tonight?”  We all murmured a thank you and started looking at the drinks menu.

“I think we have done alright with this table actually here and not outside.” Sarah said. “Why?” I asked her. “Kenz have you seen the talent at some of these tables as we walked in here. My gosh some of the specimens here are good enough to eat. I sure won’t need any food if I could have one of them” we all laughed at her remark and looked out over the crowd of people around us.

There defiantly were some very attractive men here tonight. A waiter came up to our table, introduced himself and took our drink orders. All of us had decided on one form of cocktail or the other. This was our thing. All order different drinks and if what one of us ordered tasted good we would let the others taste it. If we all agreed it was good that would be our tables drink for the night.

“Kenzie we need to get you a man and like pronto” Sarah said. “Yeah” Melanie and Ryleigh said together. You see the thing about my three best friends was that they knew me to well. I Makenzi Brown at the age of 31 had never been in a relationship before. Hard to believe right, but it was true. It’s not that I did not like the opposite sex or that I was interested in the same sex as me. No. I had just never met a guy that caught my interest.

While Mel, Ry and Sarah had all been in their fair share of relationships, through high school and there adult life so far. Some serious other just lasting a couple of months. I didn’t bother me too much. Sure there was times when it would have been nice to have a significant other around to cuddle up to at night and watch a movie with or go out and spend the day with at the lake and have a lazy afternoon picnic with. I looked at their relationships as a learning curve of what not to do when it eventually happens for me. You see I have had three very good teachers to learn from over the years as what to and not to do in a relationship.

So here I was out with my best friend and they had to bring it up again. “Guys I really don’t need a man in my life right now. I’m happy, I have you three that’s all I could ask for, really. Can we please not have this discussion again tonight? We are out to celebrate, have fun and unwind. I’m sure we all had a week from hell this week with it being a short one”

There was head nodding and mmmms from my friend. I may have nipped it in the bud for the evening but I knew they wouldn’t stop trying to set me up, or “find me a man to make my world spin around” as Ryleigh always says.

As the night went by we all laughed and caught each other up on what had been happening in our lives since the last time we had all been together like this. I excused my self-saying to the girls I needed to go make a phone call but in actual fact I wanted to get us some shooters. I asked the barman what he would recommend and watched in amazement as he created them for me.

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