Life's Curve Ball - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


“You smell yummy” Quade says to me and I giggle at this and pull out of his arms and look at him.


He nods his head at me and I shake my head at him and he chuckles with me to.

“You look amazing by the way. I like what you have done with your hair. It’s really long.” He just looks at me for a couple of seconds without saying anything “You are beautiful you know that. You blow my mind away.” I can feel my face turning bright red as he says this to me and all I can say to him is

“Thank you”.

“I didn’t mean to embarrass you I just had to tell the beautiful woman standing in front of me what I see.” I look up at him a smile and he returns it with one of his own. I don’t know why I do it but I walk back into his chest and wrap my arms around him and just look up into his beautiful eyes.

I can see the colour now. They are a grey blue. I am defiantly lost in them. They are truly Breath taking.

“You have amazing eyes. I wasn’t certain what colour they were last night with the lighting in the club. In the daylight now I can see them. Captivating.” I say to him

He wraps his arms around me even tighter and bends his head down breaking me from the trance his eyes had me in and places a feather soft kiss on my forehead.

 “Come on? There is some important people to me I would like you to meet” He reaches for my hand and pulls me along with him to the house. I walk behind him and try to take in as much of what I see before me as I possibly can.

Everything on this level is open plan there is a kitchen to my left and on my right is a lounge room with TV and a stair case that must go for the bedrooms. It is all so very modern and clean. Nothing is cluttered or on top of each other, I like it, I think it suits Quade's personality.

He leads me out of a pair of glass sliding door where I can hear people talking. I squeeze his hand and he stops and looks at me. 

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