chapter thirty-five

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I've found that time doesn't care about your situation. Time doesn't grant you anything, and some would argue that it doesn't take, but I disagree. Time spun past me, giving me no room to enjoy the things I cared for, the things I loved. Two days were left until I had to join Atë and her army, meaning I only had two days left with Nico. I decided to give it all I had.

I woke up and got dressed, before brushing my teeth and combing out my hair. It had gotten a bit longer now and curled at the ends. I frowned and tugged at it, realizing how desperately I needed a haircut.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Nico was still sleeping. I didn't blame him, it couldn't have been later than six. I plopped down next to him on his bed, grinning and flushing when an arm was thrown around my waist and he snuggled closer to me. I moved my hand to his hair and started running my fingers through his messy curls and waves, taming them. I never realized how soft his hair was, and I think I enjoyed it much more than he did.

Realizing I'd spent over an hour playing with Nico's hair, I blushed and pulled my hand away, but a cold hand grabbed my wrist and put it back on top of Nico's head. I couldn't help but laugh as I ran my fingers through it again, grinning to myself. I saw the corner of Nico's lips tilt up, letting me know he was awake, so I leaned forward and peppered his face with kisses. He smirked and pulled me closer to him, burying his face into my neck and wrapping his arms around my waist.

  "You're like a freaking koala," I commented, hearing him laugh, before he pulled back to look into my eyes.

  "Will you be my eucalyptus tree, then?" he asked and I blushed and hit his chest lightly.

  "Get ready, I have a fun day planned for us," I said and he smiled, raising an eyebrow.

  "Is that so?" he inquired and I nodded, flicking his forehead when he didn't get out of the bed.

  "Hurry up."

  "Fine, fine, I'm hurrying."

  He got out of the bed and gathered some clothes, making his way to the bathroom. I stared at the alarm clock, watching as the minute hand change from two to five.

  "Nico," I called and he laughed.

  "Just be patient."

  But I couldn't be patient, not with the time ticking away like it was. I groaned and fell back on my bed, conjuring black smoke and creating figures with it. I doodled a heart with Nico + Calum on the inside, grinning to myself. Suddenly, the bathroom door opened and Nico walked out, seeing my smoke doodle. He just grinned, his cheeks blushing slightly, before throwing his clothes in a random place.

"Since we're in such a rush, let's get going," he teased and I muttered a, 'finally,' hopping off of the bed and standing next to Nico. He raised an eyebrow, so I jumped on his back, laughing when he caught me perfectly.

"Onward, my noble steed!" I yelled, pointing my finger at the door.

"What, so I'm just a horse to you now?" he asked and I giggled.

"Yup. Hya!" I called, pretending to crack a whip. He just laughed and shook his head.

"You're a dork."

"But that's your type, right?" I teased with a smirk, poking his nose. His cheeks flushed a light pink, causing me to smile. "Get a move on, porkchop. I don't have all day."


  Nico and I sat at the beach, watching the waves hit the water as the sun rose over the top of it. Nico squeezed my hand, a small smile on his lips. Only then did I realize how beautiful he looked in the sun's newborn rays, painting his pale skin a canvas of yellows and oranges and soft reds. My heart rose up into my throat; he looked like an angel. His dark eyes reflected the light, making them a deep, rich golden color. He was like the splash of color in my black and white world.

  "What are you looking at?" he inquired, turning to me, but he froze and swallowed thickly, his eyes traveling my face. His gaze was soft and awestruck, and I felt a blush creep up my neck and face. "Y-You look...incredible," he breathed, reaching out to brush my cheek with his fingertips. "I mean, you always do," I flushed even darker at his words, before I felt his hands cup my face and bring me closer to him, drawing our lips together. I'd learned how to actually kiss after the campfire where Nico kissed me in front of everybody. Him and I shared kisses like that often, and each time they made me melt into him.

  This one wasn't any different. It was soft and slow, full of emotion as our lips moved gently against each other's. The way he kissed me felt like he was trying to show me something, to tell me how he felt without saying words. He went to pull away, but I fisted his shirt in my hands and yanked him back to me, pouring out all I had into the kiss. I gave it everything I had, my bottom lip trembling as my mind wandered to the fact that I'd never get to do this again. I pulled away when my lungs burned and stared into his eyes, breathing heavily. His eyes searched my face, before he brought me forward and pressed our foreheads together.

  " matter what happens," he began, closing his eyes, so I let mine shut as well. "We have each other, okay?"

  "I know," I whispered, reaching a hand up to cover one of his.

  "And you've always got me," he assured me and I opened my eyes, noticing his were already open. "As long as you'll have me."

  I gave him a smile and kissed his lips gently. He grinned and hugged me to him, so I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

  I didn't want to let go.

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