A way back home

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"My dearest little Lexi,

Things are tough here, but keeping you in my mind and heart has persuaded me to persevere. I love you more than my words can say.

I am anxiously anticipating my return home, to see your beautiful face again. I have a surprise I must share with you.

Goodbye for now my love, I will keep you with me always. Love from your Soda."

Alexis POV

My heart jumped for joy when I received Sodapop's letter, but sank with sorrow as I read through it. I missed him so much, and I couldn't bear his absence. A few weeks past and I wondered why I didn't get another letter from Soda. An eerie thought ran through my head... What if he was-.. no! I refused to even let myself think about it! I found myself knocking on the Curtis boys door, an useasy tremor causing me to shiver. Something felt wrong. Very wrong...

A chill ran through my back as I walked through the screen door. I clutched at my aching heart desperately as Ponyboy and Darry explained some news to me.

My beloved, my dearest Sodapop, was missing in action...

Ponyboy POV

Alexis hasn't come out of Sodas room for days on end. I have to help her... "Alexis" I walk in, seeing her sobbing on the bed with Sodas clothes in her hand. She looked a wreak. As I sit on the bed she moves over and motions me for me to sit next to her l. " You know, the whole gang is worried about you Alexis." I continue... "And Johnny, Johnny wants to see you, Dallas wants to be here for you, and I, I am here for you every step of the way." I reassure her as a single tear drops down my cheek. As I look into her beautiful Icy blue eyes, I lean in and kiss her passionately.

"Surprise!" I heard a familiar voice shout, but I didn't pay attention. My lips were locked with Lexi's. Someone burst open the door and it was Soda. He loomed in the doorway, his once happy blue eyes frowning sadly, and he dropped a bouquet of roses in shock.

He turns.

And leaves.

Without saying a word.

Soda's POV

I laughed and shook my head, reprimanding myself. Why the he'll would I think that a girl as beautiful as Alexis could love me? A quivering tear of all my hurt and suffering dripped down my cheek, and I glared out the window in shock. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the 'surprise' I had planned for Alexis. It was a wedding ring, that took me months to save for. I wept silently, holding it close to my chest. I was so happy to ask Lexi to be my beloved wife, she is my everything.

I love her.. And I always will... Forever and always... My beloved Lexi.. No matter the pain I go through I will love Alexis unconditionally.

She was always there for me, the light in my darkest times.

Alexis POV

I burst through the door and captured Soda in a mad embrace, desperately clinging to him.

"Soda... I missed you so much!' I whimpered, but he pushed me away, tears trembled down my face as I begged him to love me again.

I tried explaining that Pony and my kiss was simply a misunderstood accident, but he wouldn't be swayed. He was my rock, my stone and I blew it. He was my anchor, he kept my feet on the ground, he kept me sane, even alive. With one doltish decision on my behalf, I had wrecked the relationship of a lifetime. It's all my fault! I stared longingly into his icy blue eyes, pleading silently for forgiveness. I looked into his soul, his familiar heart that I had once touched and belonged to. I leaned forward until my lips was inches from his, until I could feel his steady and certain breath on my face. I attempted to kiss him, but he turned away. I recoiled in shock, and a pitiful sadness engulfed me. What had I done?! But not once did he yell at me... He still loved me.

Ponyboy POV

I've made a mistake.

I knew it was wrong to kiss Alexis but I just couldn't handle my feelings anymore! I had to show her, she had to know! But what about the relationship between me and soda?

Ive jeopardized my brotherhood. What kind of brother was I? Kissing his girl like that. It's always been Darry and I fighting but soda? I couldn't stand it if Soda and i weren't on good terms. He takes up for me and I take up for him, even if it means getting slapped by Darry.

I should go apologize but they may be talking so I guess I'll do it after dinner. I've decided to apologize to Soda after I've consoled to the gang. They were my extra family, after all. I thought to myself, who better to ask about this than my friend and bad boy bachelor, Dallas Winston? He always had the answers!

I stopped by Johnny's place, and Dallas had agreed to pick us up eventually. I decided not to tell Johnny yet because I don't wanna talk about it yet

"Hey Dal?" I inquired casually as Johnny and I slipped into the seats of his car. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, what is it Pony?" Dallas asked, nonchelant as his car tyres screeched along the road. I put my urge to vomit aside and began to explain what had happened "Ive done something.. something I shouldn't have..." I began, searching for words. Dally merely laughed. "What? Robbed a bank? Killed someone? Ran someone over?" "You will Dal at this rate if you keep driving like a maniac!" Johnny chimed in, causing me to giggle.

"I don't know how to say this but I guess I will... I kiss Sodas girl!" car came to a stop completely.

"What?" Dally repeated, acting as if he didn't hear me. Was he in denial? Strange. "I kissed Alexis!" I shouted again. "There. I'm out with it. I just wanna know how to talk to her again and apologize to Soda..."

"Well pone I dont know about either.. out of all the crap that I've done I've never done that to one of my brothers.

I sighed. "Thanks Dal. Real reassuring." It was actually Johnny who really helped me.

"Pony, a brotherhood is like a sacred bond. You can always rely on and forgive each other no matter what. That's why I always wish I had siblings. The gang is like a brotherhood to me." Dallas and I couldn't help but smile. It was always Johnny. Johnny was the one who kept us all together. He was the key. It was Johnny who would help me win back Soda.

I would've been so lost if it wasn't for Johnny Cade. Hell the whole gang would be lost without Johnny. He was the purest gold anyone had seen. And he would forever stay that way...

Soda POV

Should I?

My heart screams yes but my mind screams no, the scene I had just witnessed was holding me back. In all honesty, it was just as scarring as Vietnam. But I love Alexis so much! I can't live without her! She stole my heart and I'd never get it back... And I didn't want it back... I hid the wedding ring out of Alexis' sight. I hesitated cautiously. I didn't want to make any more rash decisions at this moment. I don't think I could take any more pain. As I stared into those deep, breathtaking eyes of hers that shimmered with tears, I knew that I loved her deeply. I was aching so much I needed to cling onto her, and so I placed a passionate kiss upon her tender lips.

I loved the way she smelled I loved her touch I love everything about her. I loved her kindered heart and the spark she egnited within me.

Before I knew it, I got down on one knee, and took the ring out of my pocket.My eyes glistened with hope, seeing a life for us, together. As tears of joy streamed down Alexis's face I wiped them off. With a gentle smile, she nodded anxiously and whispered "yes." We headed to the kicthenn where the gang was, and I saw ponyboy looming in the hallway. I asked him what was wrong, and he said everything. I didn't hesitate. I wrapped my arms around him just like when we were kids. I loved my little brother. Whatever he did, I would always be there for him. Forvever and always. I knew, that I had finally found my way back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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