Oh DUCK BUTT! You can stop playing hide and seek now!

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"Should I get up.....hmmm yess or no?"I said debating...... "Ehhhh I should beat the shit outta him for kidnapping me....."I said. "Meh..... OH WAIT! GYAAAAAA WE HAVE THAT DAMN MISSION!" I shouted.  "Now I have to go through all the work, to one... jump out da window. Two, find the training stuff or whateva and Three, cast physical effort that is not needed!"I complained jumping off of Sasuke's bed. Ewwww just thinking about this being Sasuke's bed is grossss......

"Gotta go find da pervy ANBU now!"I declared jumping out the window. "If I were a pervy old man... Where would I be hiding....."I asked myself, "I would A: Be sleeping, B: Reading perv books, or C: Peeping.."I thought  "Ehhh Imma go with A, or B."I said jumping off the roof.


"OH YEAH BITCHEZ I SOOO USED THE TELEPORTATION JUTSU!!!!!!!"I shouted doing a little dance. "Hey isn't she THAT ninja?"whispered a woman. "I think she is."Replied a man. A anime vein formed on my forehead. "YO! I AIN'T THE FREAKING HOKAGE I CAN HEAR YOU KNOW!"I shouted making the people flinch.

"OKAY SO HAVE ANY OF YOU LOSERZ SEEN A MAN, WITH SILVER HAIR THAT IS ALL SIDEWAYZ, WHO WEARS A MASK?"I asked. "No one?"I sighed walking towards the academy. "Where is Kiba, Izumo, Kotezu when you need them....."I complained.

"You called?"said the voice of a dude. "Ewww I smell dog.... Well a dog always comes when his master calls him!"I said turning around and patting Kiba on the head. He laughed. "So am I your pet now, or something?"He asked. "Maybeee......."I replied jumping on his back. "I'm lazy carry me to the K.I.A stone."I commanded throwing my right arm forward.

"ON WARD!!!!!!!"I shouted. "I have an exam too you know..."He grumbled. "I don't care..." I said

"You know how blunt you are?"Kiba said, and I smiled "Veryyyy."

He let out a short laugh, and then stopped walking. "Here you are....Ai-chan."He said placing me on the ground. "OMGGGZZZZ KAKASHI-SENSEI!!!!!!!!"I SHOUTED. "Awwww.... You know........ I know a guy, who knows a guy, who knew a guy, who was the sensei of a guy whose two students and himself is on that stone."I said nodding. Kakashi sweat dropped.

"I know your mourning Obito and Rin...BUT DUDE CHEER UP!!!!!"I shouted.

"I bet I can make you smile or laugh!"

"Try me..."He mumbled.

A smirk formed on my face. "So I wrote this wonderful poem about my team mate Sakura. *AHEM*

"Roses are red, Violets are blue. Why the hell would Sasuke like a little whore like you? Your forehead is big, and your bra it's probley stuffed. Have you noticed how, you arn't even tough? Your hair is probley fake  and your smile is the one I hate. You are DEFIANTLY NOT A SAINT, you and your little friend are probley known for what happens on the bed." I said proud of my poem.

Kakashi sweat dropped and let out a sigh. "WHAT! YOU DON'T LIKE MY POEM?!"I anime cried "It took me a whole 5 minutes to think of that!" I complained crossing my arms.

"And Danzo claimed you are an S-ranked Ninja."Kakashi said "Speak for yourself."I retorted


"Your goal, is to take a bell from me before noon."Kakashi said  "GO!"

"Arn't you gonna hide?"He asked me. "Hmph. NO WAY PEDRO!"I said "Now do you REALLY want me to come at you with the instinct to kill?"I asked. "Yes...."He said said like he was talking to a sick child. "Your digging your own grave."I said

I pulled out a kunai, and threw it right past his head. "You missed."He said  "Oh did I?"I asked appearing behind him. My eyes changed from blue to a pearl white they had zebra stripes going in towards the pupil.  "Might wanna show me that little present Obito gave you." I said pulling his head band away from his eye.

Kakashi smiled.... or at least I think he did....... Couldn't really tell with the two masks he wearing.

I weaved some hand signs and bit my thumb. "Summoning Jutsu!"I said as a white tiger with a katana in it's mouth appeared right under me. "Ahhh how you been Yuki?"I asked the tiger taking the katana from it's mouth. "My clan summons tigers, and uses them as the Inuzuka clan uses dogs. Not only that but We have a kekkei genkai. Like the Hyuga clan has the byakugan, and the Uchiha has the Sharingan, The Torayama has the Akumome." I said.

"Yuki no akumo!"I said. "My clan also has it's own jutsu type.... Snow." I said while snow fell to the ground. The sky began to turn pink then a bloody red. The snow it's self changed in color.

_____________________Kakashi's P.O.V____________________

Ai had said something then it began to snow. The snow turned a bloody red and I saw black outlines of my father...... I was reliving  the death of my own father. He took his katana and stabbed it through his chest........ He fell to the ground........

His figure faded and I saw Obito come into view. He was underneath the building about to die. 

__________________________Ai's P.O.V_______________________

I watched my sensei fall to his knees and grasp his face. "Ahhh Yuki.... He's not much fun....."I said taking two bells off his waist. "Hmmm Time for pay back Duckbutt!"I declared. Releasing my genjutsu on Kakashi.

"Ja Ne Sensei!"I said walking off with Yuki by my side. "I have a strange feeling that the ANBU and Hokage arn't gonna be too pleased with me........ for some reason..." I said.

"Welll anywayssss!"I shouted. "HERE DUCKBUTTT, DUCKBUTT, HERE DUCKBUTTT! C'MON OUT ANY PLAYYYY! You can stop playing hide and seek now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"I called out jumping onto the tree he was on. " Yo, in my 14 years... there's one thing I've learned...."I started "And that is?"He asked "PAY BACKS A BITCH!"I shouted

Holding my Katana to his neck. "If you stain my katana with your blood then I will have to clean it......."I said taking it and sliding it across Sasuke's cheek.drawing some blood. He looked at me with fear in his eyes. I slid the sword across my tongue and licked the blood off.

The look on Sasuke's face was freaking priceless... Oh my gawshhh I swear he pissed him self! A smirk formed on my face as I grabbed him by the collar. "Okay! I had my fun!!!!!" I said dropping him and giving him the second bell.

"Why did you give me a bell?"He asked "Cause I felt like it......"I said jumping off the tree and walking towards the K.I,A stone. "Yep..... If Kakashi didn't hate me before... I bet he thinks I'm satan's spawn now."

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