Our Song (2)

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"I still think you're crazy."

"That's good to know, Cassie, but I honestly don't care."

She stuck her tongue out at me, and I did it right back to her. If she liked Sean all that much, she could have him for herself. I honestly wouldn't have cared all that much anyway. Actually, I wouldn't have cared at all.

Ever since I had met him, Sean had been hitting on me. He had dated plenty of girls between now and then, but he still always wanted me. He hadn't any of those girls out; they'd asked him instead. If he thought she was pretty or worthy enough, he would date her. But then he would eventually break up with her and tell them it was because of me.

So I had around... twenty or thirty girls that I didn't even know who hated my guts when I didn't even do anything. That's just how awesome Sean was to have around.

"Hey, babe."

And speak of the devil...

"Hi, Sean," I smiled forcefully, trying to look for the nearest escape route so I could get away from him and get to class. Mrs. Sparks hated it whenever someone was late, and I didn't want to get in trouble. "It's nice to see you."

I had to be nice to him, but not too nice, because our parents were good friends, and that was how I had met him. I had known him ever since I was in fifth grade and he was in sixth, and he had literally been pining over me ever since.

"I'm going to head to class," Cassie informed me, winking when Sean wasn't looking at her. "I'll see you later, Leah. Bye, Sean."

He nodded at her. "Later, Cassie."

What a ditcher. She knew I didn't want to be left alone with Sean! She probably wanted us to be together even more than Sean did. She definitely wanted us together more than I did...

"Um, I'm going to be late for class," I informed him quickly, side-stepping as I tried to get away from him. "My teacher really doesn't like it when I'm late, so I think I'll be going now so I don't get in trouble."

"Oh, come on, Leah," Sean grinned, grabbing onto my arm before I could even take three steps. "Live a little, will you?"

I felt my eyebrows furrow. "No, thanks."

In the next second, the late bell rang and I knew that I was already late. Damn Sean! Now I was going to get in trouble and it was all his fault.

"You're already late, so why not skip class with me?" he suggested, slipping in front of me now so I couldn't go anywhere. "Come on. Just you and me. We can go wherever you want. What do you say?"

Sure, it would give me the opportunity to get away from Blake and his music, but I knew I would have gotten in a lot more trouble for skipping than just being late.

"Sorry," I apologized, stepping back now and out of his grasp. "Maybe some other time."

Sean smirked, cocking his head to the side. "I'll be counting on it."

I nodded, waiting until he started to walk away before I moved. I was already late, so there was no rush for me to get to class or anything. I could only hope that I hadn't missed anything important.

When I got to my classroom, I just stood outside the door for about a minute or two. Maybe I should have taken up Sean's offer to ditch. I'd get out of this class and everything in it. Blake and his music, my strict teacher...

Letting out a sigh, I pushed the door open and entered.

"Leah, so nice of you to join us," Mrs. Sparks informed me sharply, her fingers laced together as she turned away from the class and toward me. Then entire class followed her gaze, and I immediately felt uncomfortable. Even Blake was looking at me, headphones and all.

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