Our Song (28)

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I wasn't the worst morning person in the world, but I definitely wasn't the best. I mean, I could get up for school just fine, but not when I had to get up earlier than usual. I needed enough hours of sleep or I was just going to be like a total zombie.

I had spent the night and gone to school from Blake's apartment countless times before. So this time, I thought nothing would be different. Blake and I would wake up, get dressed, eat breakfast, and then leave. But this time was different.

I was awoken by knocks from the front door. This surprisingly didn't wake Blake up, even though it was loud, and I decided to answer it before he woke up from the sound.

At first, I thought that it was Carrie and she had just lost her key. But I then remembered that now that she was a teacher, she was at school at that time, so it couldn't have been her.

I wasn't surprised when I opened the door and saw two cops standing before me. This sure woke me up, but in all honesty, I saw it coming. I was actually surprised that they waited until morning to come get me.

I wasn't even embarrassed as I stood there in Blake's shirt, which was too big for me, and his boxers that I had to pull up every couple of seconds because they were too big for me as well. Normally, I would be embarrassed by something like this, but not when it was Blake's clothes. I'd walk outside in them if I had to, loud and proud about it.

"Hi, Leah," one of the cops said to me.

"Hi, Officer Lopez," I greeted that officer before turning toward the other one and continuing, "Hi, Officer Black. How nice to see you two here on such a lovely day, huh?"

Officer Lopez was good friends with both of my parents, which meant he was my friend as well, so I was glad he was the one that came to get me. His partner, Officer Black, was a lot more intimidating, so I was glad that he hadn't been sent alone. It wasn't like he was a bad guy or anything, he just seemed to take his job really seriously.

"I already know why you guys are here right now," I drawled, rolling my eyes at the two of them as I crossed my arms over my chest. "My mom called you and said Blake kidnapped me and is now trying to kill me or something, right? Well, that's not true. I ran away and no murder is going to take place."

Officer Lopez nodded. "We understand that, Leah. But we're here to take you back to your parents. You're still a minor, you know, so you can't just go off like that."

I was only sixteen. They were talking like I was a child, and it was really annoying me. I was already treated like a kid enough at home, and I didn't need anyone else to. That was seriously something that I just couldn't stand coming from anyone.

"Just a second," I sighed, turning back into the apartment now, the apartment that was my home. "I have to tell my boyfriend that I'm leaving so he doesn't freak out when he wakes up and I'm nowhere to be found..."

I closed the door behind me and made my way back into Blake's room, grabbing a piece of paper and a pen to write a note. It wasn't the time that we usually woke up in the morning, so I didn't want to wake him up when I didn't have to.

I began writing, but nearly jumped when is saw Blake stir. He rubbed at his eyes, looking up at me in confusion as he asked, "What are you doing?"

"I need to go," I told him, still writing the note just in case he fell back asleep and forgot about all of this. "I need to get home before my mom bites my head off for staying out all night. But I'll see you at school, okay?"

Blake rolled over, wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing the side of his face to my stomach. "Don't go."

I smiled at him, patting down his messy black hair like I did almost every morning. "I have to."

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