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Hope you enjoy this chapter :3

Serena looks at me, tears flooding out of her eyes.
"Y-yes A-Ash."
I pull her into a big hug and she sticks her face in my chest.
"I love you Ash." "I love you too Sere."
I pull away from the hug and slip the golden ring on her finger.
"There you go, my fiancée."
She grins at me and kisses me passionately.
"Thankyou fiancé." She giggles, tears still trickling down her face.
"Stop crying Serena or you're going to make me cry too."
She wipes he tears away and hugs me tightly.
"Serena I can hardly breathe."
She pulls away from me.
"Sorry Ashy." "Its ok. Now why don't we go outside in the snow yeah?" "Yeah!" She screams and runs upstairs.
Sigh, girls.

We get changed into some warm clothes and I open the door to our house.
Serena squeals, jumps into the snow and starts to make a snow angel.
I giggle at her and lay next to her, our hair now both covered in snow.
"You need to make a snow angle too Ashy." She grins at me and I do as I'm told, creating a snow angel much larger than Serena's.
"Come on Sere lets go to the park." "Ok."
I gently get up, trying not to ruin my snow angel and pick Serena up.
She giggles and snuggles into my coat.
"How are you so warm?" "How are you so light?"
I hold her tightly and carry her to the park, leaving a trail of footsteps behind me.
I kiss her on the head and place her down on an icy bench.
"Ash this bench is cold!!" She screams and jumps up from it.
"Oh, sorry Sere." I giggle, watching her over react.
She pouts and turns away from me.
"Oh come on Sere it wasn't that bad."
I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her waist.
She pulls away from me and throws a large snowball in my face.
I look at her in shock and she bursts out laughing.
I brush the snow off my face as throw a snowball at Serena's head, making her hair white.
She pouts at me and throws another snowball at me.

We continue to throw snowballs at eachother till I make a giant one and launch it at Serena, sending her to the floor.
She sits up and rubs her head.
"Oh I'm sorry Serena."
She pouts at me and I hug her.
"Hey you too! Stop making out in the park!"
I look up to see May, Dawn and Gary.
I feel a blush hit my face and quickly stand up, helping Serena up as well.
I ignore what Gary says and shout back "Hey Gary where's your girlfriend!" "Oh she's out with her friends. She having a sleepover."
They walk over to us.
"So what are you two doing here?" Dawn asks. "We're just on a walk." Serena says and I wrap my arms around her waist.
Dawn grins at me and May smirks.
I just ignore them.
"Hey guys, why don't you all come to our house for tea." Serena happily says. "Ok." They all reply and we make our way to my house.

Serena walks into the the living room and places four cups of tea on the table.
Dawn then grabs her hand and pulls Serena closer to her.
"IS THAT A RING!?!?!?" She screeches and Serena nods happily.
"Ash proposed to me not that long ago." She says twiddling the ring.
The girls scream and Gary pulls me into a headlock.
"Well done Ashy-boy!!" He shouts and gives me a knuckle sandwich, messing my hair up even more.
"Thanks Gary."
I look at Serena and smile.
She's so beautiful, I'm so glad she's going to be my wife.
I can't wait to see her in a wedding dress.

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