The Final Battle

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One more chapter left till the end of this book.
God I'll miss this book so much!
Anyway, how you enjoy the second to last chapter ^-^

"Bye bye Ash Ketchum."
He pulls the knife back and I close my eyes.
"I love you Serena.." I whisper before I clench my eyes shut and brace for the pain.
I shoot open my eyes to see May charging towards Tony, a baseball bat in her hand.
Where the hell did she get that from!?
"What the hell!?!??!!" I hear Tony scream before May sends him to the floor with a smack around the head.
I stand there, my mind still trying to figure out what's going on.
"Hey Ash! Ash! Are you ok?!"
I blink a few times and look at May.
"Y-yer I'm f-fine." "Oh thank god.. if you would have been dead then my little Sere couldn't have babies."
I blush deeply.
"M-May! Now's not that time to say that!"
I unlock the front door and enter the house to see Serena weakly dragging herself across the living room.
I rush to her side and cradle her in my arms.
"A-Ash.. I-I.." "Shhh it's okay.. he's gone now.. I'm fine okay.."
I gently kiss her to calm her down and she rests her head on me.
I push the a small piece of hair out of her face and stroke her cheek.
"Everything is okay now Serena..we can carry on with our life.. there's nothing to worry about anymore.."
She looks at me and smiles weakly.
"O-okay Ash.."
I see May gently smile at us both.
I think that's the first time I've seen May look older than five.
I pick Serena up and walk into the living room.
"Hey May, can you dispose of the body that is outside my house please." "Okay."
She grins and walks out the room.
I look down at her.
"Yes Ser-"
I am stopped by a loud scream from outside.
That was May..
May never screams like that..
I gently place Serena down.
"Stay here okay love."
She looks at me worriedly as I rush out the room.
I smash open the door to see May unconscious on the floor, Tony staring at her wildly.
His eyes had gone dark, the sanity gone from them.
"Why hello there Ash Ketchum, how are you??"
He grins at me as I grab the bat that May left by the door.
"I'm horrible, should I tell you why I feel horrible!? I feel horrible because you're not dead!!!"
I launch the bat at him and he catches it with one hand.
"Did you really think you'd kill me by throwing a damn bat at my face!! Hahahahahahh!!!"
He erupts into a fit of laughter.
What the hell is up with this man!?
He pulls a knife out of his pocket and edges closer to me.
"You'll not going to kill me." "Oh yes I will!!"
I step forward.
"I said, you're not going to kill me."
I looks at me strangely.
"Why the hell do you think you're not going to die!!??" "Cause you're not going to kill me."
He launches the knife at me and I duck, the knife trimming a few of my hairs off.
"Told you."
I smile and pull the knife out of the wall.
"I think you're going to be the one to die."
I run up to him and stab him in the heart.
Blood squirts onto my clothes and face as he collapses to the floor, a piecing scream escaping his mouth.
I wipe some blood off my face and stare down at the corpse.
"Have a nice time in hell." I whisper before throwing the knife into his stomach and walking away.
I look down at May and gently shake her.
She opens her eyes and looks at him groggily.
"Hey May, are you okay?" "Y-yer I'm fine."
She shakily stands up and looks over at the dead Tony.
"Y-you killed him.."
I nod and May hugs me tightly.
"You're so cool!!!"
I lightly chuckle at May's crazy behaviour.
I guess the old May is back.
She let's go of me and pushes me back into the house, right past Serena, and up to the bathroom.
"Now you have a shower cause we don't want Serena seeing you like this." She whispers. "I'll get rid of that body so you and Serena can have a nice long break okay?" "Ok May, Thankyou so much."
She gives me a thumbs up and runs downstairs.

I take a nice long shower and get changed into a nice top and jeans, then head downstairs to see Serena fast asleep on the sofa.
I smile and kneel down beside her, gently kissing her lips.
I look at her sleeping face.
God she's so beautiful.
I'm so glad to have such a beautiful woman in my life.
I fiddle with the engagement ring that is on her finger.
"Soon they'll be another ring on this finger." I whisper to myself.
Is sit down beside the sofa and close my eyes, listening to her small breaths before drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

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