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"You know, at the beginning Sanji wouldn't hardly let me hold you. Wanted you all to himself."

" I... I can see that, actually."

"He was also afraid I'd drop you."

"Sanji, please!"

"No! He's mine."

Sanji turned away from Zolo, his son in his arms. Little Shinji giggled and grabbed Sanji's finger in his small hands. He tried to bite Sanji's hand, and he laughed. "Now, now, you can't eat Daddy..."


"Zolo, I swear to all that is holy and otherwise, if you don't leave me alone I'll shank you."

Luffy crashed through the door and tripped, landing on his butt. "Shanks?"

"Wrong shank, sweetie."

Luffy pouted, getting up and walking toward Sanji. "Can I see him?"

"Yup." Sanji pulled the blanket down a bit, and Shinji squeaked, holding up his little fists. Luffy giggled and booped Shinji on the nose.

"Hullo there." Shinji squealed in response, laughing. "Can I hold him Sanji?"


"The heck?!" Zolo, rather offended, grabbed Sanji's shoulder and turned the blond around. "Why are you letting him hold our baby? Why can't I hold him, my own child?!"

"Because," Sanji spoke slowly, like he was explaining something to a child. "I trust Luffy not to drop him."

"I wouldn't drop him!"


"I won't."

"Zolo, you could drop him if you were laying down. Luffy on the other hand... Well..." Sanji whistled and tossed Shinji toward Luffy, the little baby giving a squee of delight.

Luffy caught him and gently nuzzled his soft green hair. "Hullo again!"

Zolo almost peed himself with fear. "YOU JUST THREW HIM!!"

"Yeah. Toward someone who can catch."

Zolo then proceeded to make choking noises. "I thought you loved me!"

"I do, Zolo, stop acting like a baby."

"Sanji!" Luffy scolded. "Don't say such things! Shinji might get offended."

Sanji laughed while Zolo fumed. "Fine!" He spat. "I get when I'm not wanted." He started to walk away, only to be stopped by Sanji hugging him from behind.

"Come on honey, don't be like that."

"Don't you dare try to sweet talk your way out of this."

"We need a babysitter anyway, it's not like he could just sleep through all the noise."

"Stop it."

"Come on~"

Zolo spun around and grabbed Sanji in his arms. "Why do you have to be so darn arousing?"

"Did Dad really throw me?"

"Yep. Twice, actually."

"Hey, did Luffy ever drop me?"

"No, actually."

"Did you?"



"... yes ..."


How I Met Your Father (Sanji x Zolo)Where stories live. Discover now